Sunday, January 02, 2022

If police departments are going to Protect and Serve black and brown criminals, and Lie Like Thieves about It, While Waging War on Law-Abiding, White Taxpayers... by All Means, Defund the Police!

N.S.: Mug shot of sfpd chief Bill Scott; yet another example of why we can’t have black police chiefs and the rule of law. I’d love to ask him, Why do you hate White people?

By Jerry PDX
Sunday, January 2, 2022 at 6:49:00 P.M. EST

Law enforcement agencies move to hide non-White criminals by not releasing mug shots:

There are two rationalizations for this, the first is the idea that a mugshot does not mean you are guilty, just that you were arrested and the internet means those photos will live forever and can cause problems for people who turn out to be innocent. I do think there's a legit argument to be made on that point but I don't believe for a moment that’s why this is happening. The primary reason is to hide negro criminality, this excerpt from the article reveals it:

“‘Widespread publication of police booking photos in the news and on social media creates an illusory correlation for viewers that fosters racial bias and vastly overstates the propensity of black and brown men to engage in criminal behavior,’ Chief Bill Scott said at the time.”

“Overstates” the propensity of black and brown men to engage in criminal behavior?! Some variation of the “we shouldn’t stereotype” argument is routinely cited by law enforcement and media and it’s just as dishonest every time. If, as they are suggesting, black/brown men are being “stereotyped” as criminals, and it’s not true they commit a disproportionate amount of crime, then releasing photos of perps would only prove what they are saying is true, because most mugshots would be of White men (in the US). So they want us to believe that hiding visual evidence that verifies what they say is true makes some kind of sense? Seriously? Do they really think we are that stupid? Apparently so.

Reality is, as NSU readers and other free thinkers know, most mugshots would be of non-White men because non-White men do commit a disproportionate amount of crime. It’s not a stereotype, it’s fact. black men are especially over-represented for murder and sex crimes, hispanic men also but they are also wildly over-represented in sex crimes against children and vehicular homicides. Our modern law enforcement agencies are moving to hide these criminals’ faces so we don’t know who they are.

Yet again, woke ideology trumps public safety and our right to know.

They won’t stop until they have us completely wrapped in their ideological thought bubble.

N.S.: As my VDARE/NPI/AR colleague, economist Ed Rubinstein demonstrated in his report “The Color of Crime” several years ago, over 90% of gun crimes in New York City are committed by black or brown perps, even though those groups combined only comprise half of the city, while Whites, who are one-third of the city, commit almost no gun crimes. Note, too, that for app. 40 years, big-city police and prosecutors have persecuted Whites, not blacks, increasingly arresting and prosecuting Whites for non-crimes, while issuing blacks and browns more and more free crimes. The rational response to bald-faced, black supremacist liar chief Scott is to assume that every criminal is black or brown.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
In Portland, with a negro population of around 7%, around 50% of murders are committed by black men.

Anonymous said...

Let's look at it,comparing the house you live in to the cities we all live in.Your house is a microcosm of a city.

If your house had roaches,rats,termites,squirrels--or worse--running free,causing disease and destruction,you would not ignore it,as Whites are doing with blacks all around the country.blacks are destroying neighborhoods and large sections of cities for godssake--with absolutely no pushback.

Why do Whites put up with it?We're trapped--with disinterested politicians and black directed police on one side and pro-negro media on the other.We need to call OrKKKin negro Pest Control.None in your area?Start one.You don't need a White sheet,just get vocal and political.Call up TV stations and politicians.If you're a business owner,demand to be heard about the negro crime you experience--which is probably much more than we hear about from media(guaranteed!)If large numbers of Whites called up pols or went to city commission meetings to express their opinions on minority behavior,they would pay attention eventually. One White is a racist--a large group is a voting block to pay heed to.

Join a neighborhood watch.I went to one to get info on Mex neighbors and their rapsheets--which helped me get them evicted.Granted,neighborhood watch groups may be leery of taking on racial issues,but it's one way--and they weren't afraid of taking on the Mex with me.

A local blogsite,where Whites could share information about these issues,might get the ball rolling too.

It's very difficult,with the media ready to plaster the racist label on any White who speaks the truth about minorities,but twiddling your thumbs as your city goes to hell is not the answer either--as numerous cities already know.


Anonymous said...

"over 90% of gun crimes in New York City are committed by black or brown perps"

Over 90 % means the figure is closer to 98 % than say 91 %. The media just doesn't want to say.