Monday, January 03, 2022

black lives matter; White Lives, Not so Much; NYC Health Dept Leak Reveals Commissioner Dave Chokshi Has been Criminally Discriminating against Whites Re Covid Tests


They murdered my brother-in-law early last year, when they politicized access to the jab. They hoarded them for political allies, like city teachers, most of whom were only teaching through zoom, and others who were too young to be at high risk. Although he was high risk (68 years old and a brain cancer patient), they told him he couldn't get the vaxx before February 11; he died on February 4th.

At this point, I don't trust the clot shot, but he and his wife of 38 years (my big sister) would have rolled the dice.

By Merlin
Mon, Jan 3, 2022 8:27 a.m.


Black lives matter.  White lives, not so much.

 by Simon Daily 

January 2, 2022 

This is more of that Biden Unity… Turns out New York City Health Officials have been using a less than fair method to determine who will gain access to the limited number of COVID tests. You'd think it would be first come, first served or divided equally among the many counties, but that would make sense. NYC is instead only focusing on neighborhoods that have been flagged for inclusion and equity…

"New York City health officials have been using race to help decide how to allocate precious coronavirus testing resources, leaked emails from the agency show.

In a conversation with reps for the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, City Councilman Joe Borelli's office said constituents on Staten Island's South Shore were having trouble getting tested at city facilities.
"Our office has been receiving calls regarding the mobile NYC H+H testing sites such as Wolfes Pond Park. It appears many are waiting with delays, and are being turned away after waiting for hours," wrote Borelli staffer Briana Nasti in a Dec. 22 email.

The agency responded the same day and informed Nasti that they would prioritize neighborhoods flagged by the city's Taskforce on Racial Inclusion & Equity."

"The task force said [neighborhoods] were picked based a DOHMH's analysis of "health status, living conditions, social inequities, occupation, and COVID-19 Wave 1 impact" — though the methodology has never been released."

"Staten Island's mostly white, middle-class South Shore — despite one of the highest COVID rates in the city during December — is not one of the priority neighborhoods. The borough has 13 city testing sites, all on the more diverse North Shore."

"We're now a year into a test shortage, with no end in sight, and the emergence of politicization shouldn't come as a surprise. It took Joe Biden nearly a year to get serious on testing development, production, and distribution. [but he doesn't send abrasive tweets - JP] 

By this point, it appears we won't get enough of a supply to obviate rationing for at least several weeks if not several months, by which time the current shock wave of Omicron transmission will have passed. That means that stupid rationing decisions based on whatever benefits political leaders in place at this moment will have to continue, likely all the way through the Omicron wave and potentially into whatever variant wave may come next."

What about this sounds fair? Everyone should have an equal shot at the COVID Tests regardless of their race or economic status. The idea that Dems are singling out neighborhoods that are diverse and fit their ideals is B.S., and frankly discrimination.


Anonymous said...

Even with this topic,the facts cannot be evaluated because of the media's lack of honesty about black behavior.

All we hear about the evil unvaxxed is that Whites are the only race responsible for the hospitals being flooded,mutations abounding etc.File footage of Whites at beaches or parties are shown on the news,this,in spite of the fact,that blacks are understood to be suspicious of volunteering for the vaxx--due to lack of trust in White medicine.blacks don't like White law OR White medicine(they DO,however,LOVE White $$$$,lol). The media never mentions black anti-vaxxers.

blacks will NEVER trust White produced vaccines,a much different reason than my own(and other White's) disdain for the Covid vaxx. If this vaxx was not being lied about and if reports of people dropping dead or suffering various ailments were not being censored--AND if the vaxx even WORKED--I could see taking it.If it was tested for a reasonable,normal length of time,that too would push me in favor of the vaxx.

But none of those things apply,so I say no.Find me a vaxx that works--I'm in.blacks will never "be in" due to their anti-White mindset(except in regard to receiving our money from various welfare programs).


Anonymous said...

GRA:Does this one have diarrea?

(ZH)Since its arrival in late November, the unquestionably mild Omicron strain of Covid-19 has sent daily new infections to record highs, while hospital admissions - and particularly deaths - have remained relatively low compared to the giant new denominator.

But it was only a matter of time before a new variant hit the scene. Like omicron, it appears this new variant originated in an African country - Cameroon - after being isolated by scientists in southern France.

The first official case is reported to be a traveler from Cameroon, and it's now spreading in Southern France where at least 12 people have been infected with it, according to research published on medrvix.

To be clear - we know virtually nothing about this new strain aside from the fact that it exists. Nothing on severity, transmissibility, 'long covid', etc. We do know it's highly mutated from the original strain, much like Omicron. It's also too soon to tell if it will be classified as a 'variant of concern.'

GRA:If they can pinpoint it to just affect Muslims in France,all their problems are solved.