Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Watch UVA Students Condemn Themselves for being White; but Shouldn't They Slit Their Wrists, so Non-Whites Will Feel Safe?

By A Colleague
Sent: Tue, Feb 18, 2020 9:35 a.m.

UVA students

Watch these white students condemn themselves for being white.  The next question should be:  Shouldn't white students slit their wrists so non-whites will feel safe?


  1. Utter stupidity. Minorities are only safe in white areas--look at the death rate for minorities in places like Chicago--or Africa. On the other hand, when I went to college in Boston, blacks were raising hell demanding all-black dorm rooms on an all-black floor. If blacks are appeased with all-black places, then whites should have places with no blacks. By the way, although everyone talks about minorities or multi-culturalism, what they really are talking about is blacks. Asians have plenty of problems in black areas and I'm sure would feel safer among whites. And blacks versus Hispanics is a common problem in California schools. Why are blacks "uncomfortable" among whites? It certainly isn't because they fear violence. The violence is one way--blacks assaulting whites. I suspect blacks feel uncomfortable because they are actually ashamed of what they are.

  2. How absurd does this get?Will this "whites hating whites" mental illness (caused by media and college propaganda)reach the point where whites attack other whites(as blacks and Mex sit back and laugh)for being non-liberal?
    Blacks wont need black on white crime in the future--they'll have self-hating whites to do the job (that blackie wont NEED to do anymore).
    This shows the power of the press(including social media)and the college campus "educated" --none of whom probably live near the blacks that most white people have the pleasure of living around.I'd hazard a guess that Holt,Norah O'Donnell,Don Lemon,Chuck Todd etal,don't have a residence located near a certified ghetto area.Nor do any college professors or administrators.
    So the sick anti-white whites, who have young minds in their manipulative control,watch--as their protégés corrode this country further into the trash heap.
    They are the ones who need to be rounded up by those who care about America.
    Now if you're walking down a street and you see a white person under 25 coming toward you--can you trust them to be sane?Or do you consider them to have the same danger factor as a blackie in a hood and baggy pants?
    It depends on how pervasive this self hating by whites becomes.


  3. Hang themselves in public. Assuage the tender feelings of the negroes.

  4. The result of the Frankfurt school, communist indoctrination thru Academia, for 80 years this was their plan and in the last 40 years you can see the results.
