Monday, February 17, 2020

"'Florida' Surgeon 'stole $26 million from health insurers with fake surgeries to fund his political ambitions in his native country of Ghana'"

By R.C.
Sun, Feb 16, 2020 6:43 p.m.

"Florida surgeon 'stole $26million from health insurers with fake surgeries to fund his political ambitions in his native country of Ghana.'"

R.C.: Florida man.

Chicago resident.

Pittsburgh native.

N.S.: "Surgeon"?

"Feds: Florida Doctor Stole $26M to Fund Political Ambition" | Daily Mail Online"

A Florida vascular surgeon bilked the government and health insurers of more than $26 million to possibly finance his political ambitions in his native country of Ghana, federal authorities say ...


  1. English speaking African blacks from places like Nigeria, Ghana,best scam artists in the world.

  2. He's not the only nig doctor pulling that sh*t.There are probably nigs PRETENDING to be doctors--with nig patients--in cahoots to rip off the US healthcare system.No wonder health premiums are in the stratosphere.
