Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Suspect in Black-on-White Hate Crime NYC Attack on French Tourist Arrested; He was on a Four-Month Plan: Once Every Four Months, He’d Get a Free Violent Felony, but He Violated the Program’s Terms, by Attacking a Tourist


War crime victim, Gabriel Bascou, 27

By “W”

Alleged Black Attacker of White Tourist Arrested in NYC

I remember during the 90s, after Mugabe had run all of the white people out of the country, he signed an order allowing all of the animals in the national zoo to be slaughtered for food. The farms just didn't seem to work under the “new management.”

Speaking of that, last weekend’s Wall Street Journal Travel & Adventure feature encouraged globe-trotters to go to Zimbabwe for “the wild life.”


Visiting a large American city when you don’t have to is akin to vacationing in Haiti or South Africa.


N.S.: The MSM, including the Journal, keep lying to whites, telling them fairy tales about urban hellholes, and said whites get no corrective, because no dares tell the truth. And this is the result.

The initial report in the New York Post, like elsewhere, said “French Tourist Randomly Slashed in the Neck in Harlem.”

As I’ve been saying for years, the alleged journalists and policemen who call such racially motivated hate crimes “random,” would make for lousy poker players. They all have a tell. They immediately deny that a racially motivated crime was racially motivated, and assert that a crime in which a white was selected based on the color of his skin, was “random.”

Meanwhile, you get all these PC monsters filling comment threads with “nowhere’s perfect” and “the racists are out,” in response to this little bit of truth leaking out, and someone stating that this was an obviously racially-motivated crime.

The Post reported in this story that the guy was on a four-month plan (my words, obviously): Once every four months, he would get a free felony--aggravated assault or attempted murder. Nothing about any charges, trials, or convictions. (And just imagine all the violent crimes he must have committed, for which there are no official records.)

The only reason we’re hearing about any of this now, is because he went and attacked a tourist. Doesn't he know that tourists are off limits?!

By the way, thanks to my multiple contributors, who have been sending me material on this atrocity, since the beginning.

In my new VDAREcrime report, I had to cut a great deal of material, and never even got to many topics that would have underscored the sort of chaos that is an integral aspect of life in New York, “America’s safest big city.”

One such topic I never got to was slashers. There have been several during the de Blasio years. To my knowledge, they have all been black men, and they previously always targeted predominantly white (and occasionally Hispanic) women, but never black women.

Public lewdness: The New York Post ran a story last year, about a black man who habitually engages in lewd behavior on the subway. The reporter asserted that there was nothing the authorities could do about the man, but that was nonsense. A judge could have sentenced him to anywhere from 30 days to one year in the city jail on Rikers Island.

Man who allegedly slit French tourist’s throat arrested
By Tina Moore and Gabrielle Fonrouge
New York Post
February 17, 2020 | 6:16 p.m. | Updated 8:17 p.m.

The man who allegedly slit a French tourist’s throat last week has been arrested, the NYPD announced Monday.

Khalief Young, 28, was busted by an officer who spotted him on the street around 3:50 p.m. Monday, police sources told The Post.

see also

'Absolute violence': Tourist slashed in neck never saw attack coming

He was charged with two counts of assault in the second degree, police said.

Young is accused of slashing 27-year-old Gabriel Bascou in the neck on Valentine’s Day just as he and his girlfriend were walking out of an IHOP around 11 a.m. on
Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard near West 132nd Street.

Bascou was caught on video bleeding on a sidewalk as passersby rushed to help him.

He’s been recovering at Harlem Hospital.

Young lives approximately two blocks from the pancake restaurant and has randomly attacked at least two others in the past, police sources said.

On Oct. 20 last year, he rang his neighbor’s doorbell and punched the woman in the face and kicked her several times, the sources said.

Four months earlier in June, he went into a deli on West 135th Street and slashed a deli worker in the neck, police sources said.

Prior to those two incidents, Young was arrested in March 2015 for criminal possession of a loaded firearm and spent a little less than two years in an upstate prison.

He was released on parole in April 2017.


Suspected war criminal Khalief Young NYPD 32nd pct/Facebook



  1. The pro-black forces prefer a higher ratio than one black going to prison for killing one white--a 1:2 ratio or more is the goal.
    General instructions to blacks include:
    "Brothas,killing two whites versus your one prison sentence,keeps us ahead of the game,though we is out-reproducing whitey by much more than that."
    Who knows if NOI(or similar) pushes something like that to its white hating followers?I wouldn't be surprised.

  2. Let's see now. In these "random" attacks, the victims are invariably white. What a "coincidence."

  3. This biological weapon must have imagined himself to be a modern Frederick Douglas:

    Same vicious scowl, same brow-ridge crushed in rage, same hate - not a damn thing has changed.
    Looking at that man's scar, the only thing absolutely certain is that the thing that did this wanted to KILL - not injure, not 'assault' - which is the only thing he was charged with.
    It is a guarantee that this animal will be out on the street within 5 yrs (or less), and that this time he will likely succeed in killing.

  4. The three inferred words that are left off these reports,for purposes of fake racial harmony,are:
    "Police declared this a random attack (of white people)."
    Will a black police chief and his white liberal mayor--like DiBlasio--ever utter the following in public:
    "Yes,it was whitey--but it could have been ANY whitey--therefore,it's random."
    After the cameras are turned off,the bursts of laughter begin.
    "You didn't see that,"said the mayor to the press--wiping away tears.
    Can you imagine the reaction of whites if police came out and told the truth--that blacks pick out whites to rob,rape and kill--because they're white?
    Whites are so meek right now that no reaction would probably occur,but "the powers that be" can't take that chance--until there are much-o less whites around to cause a whitelash.


  5. " they [slasher] previously always targeted predominantly white (and occasionally Hispanic) women, "

    Negro slasher probably thought the "Hispanic" women were whitey women.

    Look at the picture of the perpetrator [always alleged of course]. The brute image of the negro without question.

  6. https://www.google.com/search?q=tourist+assaulted&client=ms-android-sprint-us-revc&prmd=niv&sxsrf=ACYBGNSvryy9FEU1dRzMajiyI2GybKa3yQ:1582101215905&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwif3eOnmt3nAhVuRN8KHYuhBE0Q_AUoAXoECAwQAQ&biw=570&bih=240&dpr=1.5

    Lots of white on white assaults...

  7. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestOfOutrageCulture/comments/f680y9/racists_call_black_on_white_assaults_war_crime/?

  8. "He was charged with two counts of assault in the second degree, police said."

    That is it? Slashing a persons throat with an edged weapon is attempted murder in any locale.

  9. Ryu238 said...


    "Lots of white on white assaults..."

    Tea, China?
