Thursday, February 20, 2020

No Freebies, No Peace! WATCH: South African University is Transformed into a Flaming Battleground, as Protests Turn Ugly

By R.C.
Thu, Feb 20, 2020 8:33 a.m.

WATCH: South African University Transforms into a Flaming Battleground as Protests Turn Ugly

R.C.: Wait till mining asteroids for minerals becomes commonplace.

Then it's curtains for sub-Saharan Africa.

N.S.: These racist thugs have an average IQ of, what, 85?

Twice I heard the late J.P. Rushton speak on the University of Witwatersrand, where he reported students having an average IQ of 100--in the Engineering Department. At a top American research university, prior to AA, the average engineering student would have had an IQ of at least 140.


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