Thursday, February 20, 2020

Mike Bloomberg is Guilty as Heck... of being a Man! GOPer Eunuchs Sound Like Feminazis: “He talked kind of crudely about women all the time”.... “I’d f--k that in a second”....

By R.C.
Wed, Feb 19, 2020 10:10 p.m.

"He talked kind of crudely about women all the time," Zielenziger said of his former boss. Indeed, the lawsuit alleged that Bloomberg would say "I'd fuck that in a second" upon seeing certain women. He allegedly told several female employees that "all of


  1. Kinda sounds like Donald Trump. The horror. The horror.

  2. NNN--the spokesnetwork for all things anti-white--quickly highlighted Bloomberg's faults--with video clips to influence Dems toward the others.Nothing mentioned in the debate about Buttigieg BF'ing another guy on a regular basis(and vice versa)though...that behavior is approved by our national networks.Normal hetero male talk is deemed disgusting by MSM.
    I repeat,Bloomberg is not a Dem.I wonder why he didn't run against Trump as a Republican--it would have been a bloodbath--up there with Kennedy and Carter in 80.Maybe he doesn't really want to get rid of Trump.
    Anyways,there are very few Donkeyheads who would vote for Bloomberg--and if there are,the networks will put an end to that with some timely "reporting".

  3. jerry pdx
    Another mass killing by an alien invader from down south using a car as a weapon. Four family members are killed when their car is rear ended by drunken wetback. A grandmother, daughter, son and mother were murdered by Lucas Dos Reis Laurindo when his pick up truck slammed into the back of their van near Walt Disney World:
    Actually I don't know if he was impaired, doesn't say he was but what does it matter? Whether driving drunk or recklessly like they do in the old country, I don't care, the wildly disproportionate amount of vehicular homicide committed by these subhumans is the result of immigration policies that bring alien invader men here in mass numbers. The open borders fanatics have blood on their hands just as much as the ones behind the wheels.

    Note the Fox article omits the name of the perp despite his name being available in plenty of other news articles that preceded it. The article is a repost from the NY Post. Maybe they've had just a few too many alien invader vehicular homicide murders and decided to start covering up for them.

  4. The control freak and would-be tyrant, Michael Bloomberg, is not a patriot or friend of the American people. He wants a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens, he wants MORE legal immigration--including family unification. At the same time he would increase third world immigration, Little Caesar wants to disarm Americans so they will have no defense against the increasing non-white horde. And of course these new imported citizens would continue to vote for leftist Democrats--eventually it will be impossible for a Republican to win any race. He is an elite establishment snob who looks down on decent Americans like farmers and machinists--thinking they are less intelligent because they haven't devoted their lives to greedily amassing billions as he and his friends have. He embraces the man-caused climate change hoax and you can bet the imposed "solutions" will enrich the elites and impoverish and destroy the freedom and quality of life of ordinary Americans. Don't be fooled because he seems to recognize the high crime rates of blacks and Hispanics--even a stopped clock is right twice a day. He would put disarmed Americans at the mercy of criminals. Given more power this egoistic control freak will seek to control what you eat, where and how you live, what you drive--indeed he will try to remake America according to his whims. Watch for him to choose a diehard leftist like the fake Indian affirmative action parasite as his running mate. No, crude speech does not make him one of the boys--it just indicates coarse and vulgar upbringing and his feeling that he is too rich and powerful to have to be a gentleman. Does anyone imagine that Ronald Reagan, a true man of the people and a gentleman, talked this way?
