Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Trump Administration Waives Contracting Laws to Speed Construction of Border Wall

By R.C.
Tue, Feb 18, 2020 12:01 p.m.

"Trump Administration Waives Contracting Laws to Speed Construction of Border Wall" | KTLA.


    I watched about 45 minutes of the Dem debate last night.
    Impressions:Bloomberg is not a Democrat--at least not these days.He should have run as a Republican or independent.Various people call him a "tyrant","fascist" and "a rotten person" because of his opinions on blacks,Mex and law enforcement ideas to control those groups.He also has called some women derogatory names--this pointed about by perfect people obviously.He's also had some "over the top" plans involving banning certain foods.He wants to ban guns.It's his opinion.John Nolte on Breitbart and Caitlin Johnstone on ZH ripped Bloomberg a new one,but if it came down to Bernie vs Bloomberg(or Warren or Buttigieg),I'd vote for Bloomberg(for the simple reason that he appears to like white people yet).
    Sanders is an ideologue nutjob.He wants to tear the country down and build it back up in HIS image.Flood the country with foreigners--destroy America.The rest of the candidates are lesser variations of him.
    I'll stick with Trump.
    I'll also stick with the prediction of a brokered Democratic convention that chooses a black like Mobama or Oprah to get the black vote out.It would guarantee Trump losing.

  2. During a time of extraordinary crisis, extraordinary measures are needed.

  3. jerry pdx
    From what I can tell about Bloomberg, he's trying to play both sides of the fence on immigration, yes he's preferable to Bernie et al, who don't hide the fact they want to mass import 3rd worlders into our country but I'm still not sure where exactly he stands. Here is an ABC interview from 9 yrs. back where he supports amnesty for current illegals but also says we need to stop incentivizing illegals.
    He thinks we should stiffen up border security, suppress employers from hiring illegals & reduce the number of people crossing over. Then after doing all that give visas to migrants, I mean alien invaders, already here or ones that will "create jobs". Yeah, that because we all know every migrant (alien invader) is some kind of entrepreneur that will "create jobs" for us sad sack citizens that can't do the same. Basically, if you got in before we tightened up the border then we'll give you a free pass. OK, I don't like that one but he still doesn't sound like an open borders loon.

    Here is recent Bloomberg campaign ad that cites Trump's border enforcement and uses an ad of "caged migrants", but the picture turns out to be one from the Obama era. Apparently his campaign people don't do much research, or they did it on purpose and just didn't care, after all the impression it gives to the public is important, few will know that it's a lie.

    I'm having a hard time finding anywhere he has been specific about immigration in his campaign, I realize if he comes out hard line like Trump did he'll alienate a lot of voters but I'd like him to at least give us a clue where he stands. I'm not happy about his refusal to commit one way or the other but since there's no more important issue that immigration, stopping it that is, I'd have to go with him as 2nd choice to Trump just for the possibility he's not going to usher in more alien invaders.

  4. "Here is recent Bloomberg campaign ad that cites Trump's border enforcement and uses an ad of "caged migrants", but the picture turns out to be one from the Obama era. Apparently his campaign people don't do much research, or they did it on purpose and just didn't care, after all the impression it gives to the public is important, few will know that it's a lie."

    Turns out only one pic was wrong. Everything else was:

    Hell trump used that same pic too:

    Also this news about the wall sounds like graft.
