Monday, April 01, 2019

Secret Truths and Public Lies: Please Support WEJB/NSU

During the late 1980s, British historian Timothy Garton-Ash traveled across Communist Eastern Europe, writing a series of essays for The New York Review of Books, of all publications. His book, The Uses of Adversity, appeared in 1989, the year the Berlin Wall came down.

Garton-Ash said that in the totalitarian countries he visited, there was a demarcation between “public” and “private” opinion. Public opinion was nothing but party lies. Private opinion, conversely, was the truth, but truth that could only be spoken by intimates behind closed doors, and even then, only in whispers.

In today’s racial socialist America, we have reached the point of private vs. public opinion. The racial socialist MSM, antiversity, and schools give us lies, on top of lies, on top of lies, and destroy those who write or speak the truth.

Here, at WEJB/NSU, you get public and private opinion. We talk about public opinion’s lies of commission and omission, and the confusion its gatekeepers inflict on their subjects.

Please hit the PayPal “Donate” button at the top of the page, and make a generous contribution.

I thank you, and your posterity will, too.


Nicholas Stix

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