Monday, June 30, 2014
White Arizona School Superintendent Commits Political Suicide, but Not in the Way His Enemies Have Framed It
Crying for having made sensible observations will not win him a cease-fire from the Left or the wimpy Right.
“Arizona Superintendent Makes Emotional Public Apology Following Racist Blog Posts.”
Sunday, June 29, 2014
The Poop on EPA: Agency Requests that Employees Refrain from Crapping in Hallways
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
A tip ‘o the hate to Weaselzippers.
No Joke: EPA Employees Told To Stop Pooping In The Hallway…
Just when you think you’ve heard it all…
Via GovExec:
Environmental Protection Agency workers have done some odd things recently.
Contractors built secret man caves in an EPA warehouse, an employee pretended to work for the CIA to get unlimited vacations and one worker even spent most of his time on the clock looking at pornography.
It appears, however, that a regional office has reached a new low: Management for Region 8 in Denver, Colo., wrote an email earlier this year to all staff in the area pleading with them to stop inappropriate bathroom behavior, including defecating in the hallway.
In the email, obtained by Government Executive, Deputy Regional Administrator Howard Cantor mentioned “several incidents” in the building, including clogging the toilets with paper towels and “an individual placing feces in the hallway” outside the restroom.
Confounded by what to make of this occurrence, EPA management “consulted” with workplace violence “national expert” John Nicoletti, who said that hallway feces is in fact a health and safety risk. He added the behavior was “very dangerous” and the individuals responsible would “probably escalate” their actions.
Keep reading…
ZIP | June 25, 2014 1:51 p.m.
No Justice for Black Mass Murderer in Maryland: He Slaughtered Four, Including Two Toddlers, but Instead of Punishment Will be Rewarded with Three Hots and a Cot

Darrell Lynn Bellard: WJLA provided no photographs of his victims; they apparently didn't count to the editors
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Thanks for this story to Prince George’s County Expat, who writes,
Here in Texas, this Texas man would get the needle in Huntsville. But in my home state of the People's Republic of Maryland, he gets three hots and a cot in the state lock-up in Jessup.
Texas man, Darrell Bellard, gets life in prison for killing two children, their mother and aunt in Md.
By The Associated Press/WJLA (ABC)
June 27, 2014 - 05:16 p.m.
UPPER MARLBORO, Md. (AP) - Prosecutors say a Texas man will spend the rest of his life in prison after being convicted of fatally shooting four people, including two toddlers, in New Carrollton.
A Prince George's County jury convicted 47-year-old Darrell Lynn Bellard of Dickinson, Texas, in April on four counts of first-degree murder in the 2010 slayings.
He was sentenced on Friday to multiple life and life without parole sentences plus 80 years.
Bellard was convicted of killing Dawn Brooks, her two young children and the children's aunt, Mwasiti Sikyala.
Prosecutors say Bellard killed because he believed Brooks and Sikyala were responsible for the disappearance of approximately 60 pounds of marijuana that Bellard brought with him from Texas to sell.
One of Bellard's attorneys did not immediately return a telephone call Friday afternoon requesting comment.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
The Joys of Black Rule = the Joys of Necklacing (Warning: Graphic Graphic)
Thanks for the graphic graphic to Owen Andrews, whose old tweet I just found, along with a great many tweets from other friends I didn’t know I had. Sorry about that, guys!
Black Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Expresses Concern for Black Victims of “Knockout Game”
Baltimore Mayor Speaks Out Against “Knockout Game”
June 25, 2014 8:34 P.M.
LANHAM, Md. (WNEW) – After two recent “knockout games” left several people in Baltimore injured, the city’s mayor has decided to speak out.
WNEW Annapolis Bureau Chief Karen Adams reports that Baltimore City Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is disgusted by the attacks and says they are not a game.
“They don’t understand the consequences,” Rawlings-Blake said. “If you knock someone out, you could think its a joke and you’ll hurt somebody – that person could die. And then your life is ruined for some stupidity that you and your friends think is fun. It’s just not worth it.”
Rawlings-Blake said Wednesday that adults in the city can help to prevent these crimes by being more involved in the lives of children who may be roaming the streets.
This comes days after two incidents that police believe are connected to the knockout game, which involves a group of people trying to knock someone out with a single punch.
This past weekend, a Texas man in town for his college orientation was reportedly punched in the head outside the Baltimore Harbor Hotel by a group of youths. Last week, two brothers claimed they chased down a group of about 20 kids after being punched. Police say a 16-year-old boy was later arrested.
However, the violence is not exclusive to Baltimore.
In November, a [white] woman in Northwest Washington told police she was attacked by a group of eight [black] people, with one hitting her in the head.
[“A woman”? How about 100 victims?]
The “games” have caused deaths in New York, New Jersey and Missouri.
Hate Crime in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park: Gang of Racist Black Girls Beat White Woman on Bench, While Racist Black Bystanders Cheer and Record Attack
Pack of girls beat woman in Brooklyn while bystanders record attack
Upload by GlobalNews.
Published on Jun 27, 2014
BROOKLYN (PIX11)- A video has surfaced of a pack of girls beating up an unsuspecting woman in Brooklyn.
The violent video was posted on Facebook earlier today and has yet to be taken down.
It shows the three girls walk up to a woman sitting on a bench in Prospect Park and start yelling at her. There are a group of boys and girls standing around, yelling, cursing and even cheering them on.
The girls are seen punching, slapping and kicking the woman until she falls to the ground. Once shes down the girls get more kicks and punches in until they decide they have had enough.
Finally one man steps in to remove one girl from the attack but at that point the damage is done.
Tony Herbert from the National Action Network held a press conference on Friday about the attack, "We can't afford for this to happen in our community. What we are asking for is the victim, we are asking her to come forward because we need to get these people off the street. And get them the counseling or whatever it is hey need. So they won't do this to somebody else. They thought it was fun to kick them literally in their face and laugh about it."
PIX11 has reached out to the NYPD but they have not yet commented on the video or the attack.
I was just about to post a correction to the sanitized report (Pack of Black Girls Beat White Woman in Brooklyn While Black Bystanders Record Attack), but reader David Behrens beat me to it.
David Behrens
Following is a report by TV station WPIX in NYC. I have added, in bold type, information which was omitted by WPIX:
BROOKLYN (PIX11)- A video has surfaced of a pack of BLACK girls beating up an unsuspecting OLD WHITE woman in Brooklyn.
The violent video was posted on Facebook earlier today and has yet to be taken down.
It shows the three BLACK girls walk up to a WHITE woman sitting on a bench in Prospect Park and start yelling at her. There are a
The BLACK girls are seen punching, slapping and kicking the OLD WHITE woman until she falls to the ground. Once shes down the girls get more kicks and punches in until they decide they have had enough.
Finally one man steps in to remove one girl from the attack but at that point the damage is done.
Tony Herbert (a minion of Al Sharpton) from the National Action Network held a press conference on Friday about the attack, “We can’t afford for this to happen in our community. What we are asking for is the victim, we are asking her to come forward because we need to get these people off the street. And get them the counseling or whatever it is hey need. So they won’t do this to somebody else. They thought it was fun to kick them literally in their face and laugh about it.”
PIX11 has reached out to the NYPD but they have not yet commented on the video or the attack.
Of course the old white woman is in fear for her life if she comes forward and presses charges against the Black gang, especially because of the support of Al Sharpton's NAN for the Black gang.
Bill Maher on Disability Nation (Poster)
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Tips ‘o the hate to Libertarian Republic @TheLibRepublic and RestoringHistory.US.
June 28 in Manhattan: Counter-Protest at Pro-Illegal Alien Event
Although this is not a NumbersUSA event, we are forwarding information to members who may be interested in participating.
Dear activist,
The pro-enforcement group New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement (NY ICE) will hold a protest on June 28th in Manhattan to counter an anti-deportation event planned by New Yorkers for Real Immigration Reform as part of the "National Day to Stop Separating Families." The illegal alien advocates are likely to form a human chain to block traffic, as they have in the past.
NY ICE urges counter-protesters, when talking to the media, to emphasize how destructive illegal mass migration is to American families. "Families" is a key word for the opposition and counter-protesters need to reclaim it. Say something like, "Their 'better life' comes at a cost to my family" and go on from there.
WHAT: NY ICE Counter Demonstration
WHEN: Saturday, June 28th at 12 NOON
WHERE: 26 Federal Plaza in Manhattan
BRING: Prepared Sound Bites, Signs, Cameras
The Washington Redskins Name-Change Campaign: A Letter to Clarence Page
Thanks to reader-researcher RC for the sendalong.
No link.
Was sent a copy-and-paste job.
So, no idea as to authenticity and source.
Here is an email sent to Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune after an article he published concerning a name change for the Washington Redskins.
[N.S.: It’s since gone viral.]
Dear Mr. Page,
I always love your articles. And I generally agree with them. I would suggest, as in an email I received, they change the name to the "Foreskins" to better represent their community, paying tribute to the dick heads in Congress.
I agree with our Native American population. I am highly insulted by the racially charged name of the Washington Redskins. One might argue that to name a professional football team after Native Americans would exalt them as fine warriors, but nay, nay. We must be careful not to offend, and in the spirit of political correctness and courtesy, we must move forward.
Let's ditch the Kansas City Chiefs, the Atlanta Braves and the Cleveland Indians. If your shorts are in a wad because of the reference the name Redskins makes to skin color, then we need to get rid of the Cleveland Browns.
The Carolina Panthers obviously were named to keep the memory of militant Blacks from the 60's alive. Gone. It's offensive to us white folk.
The New York Yankees offend the Southern population. Do you see a team named for the Confederacy? No! There is no room for any reference to that tragic war that cost this country so many young men's lives.
I am also offended by the blatant references to the Catholic religion among our sports team names. Totally inappropriate to have the New Orleans Saints, the Los Angeles Angels or the San Diego Padres.
Then there are the team names that glorify criminals who raped and pillaged. We are talking about the horrible Oakland Raiders, the Minnesota Vikings, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Pittsburgh Pirates!
Now, let us address those teams that clearly send the wrong message to our children. The San Diego Chargers promote irresponsible fighting or even spending habits. Wrong message to our children.
The New York Giants and the San Francisco Giants promote obesity, a growing childhood epidemic. Wrong message to our children.
The Cincinnati Reds promote downers/barbiturates. Wrong message to our children.
The Milwaukee Brewers. Well that goes without saying. Wrong message to our children.
So, there you go. We need to support any legislation that comes out to rectify this travesty, because the government will likely become involved with this issue, as they should. Just the kind of thing the do-nothing Congress loves . . .
As a diehard Oregon State fan, my wife and I, with all of this in mind, suggest it might also make some sense to change the name of the Oregon State women's athletic teams to something other than "the Beavers."
Daniel Pipes: The Worst Day in History
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
The Worst Day in History
By Daniel Pipes
June 28, 2014
Cross-posted from National Review Online, The Corner
A hundred years ago today, June 28, 1914, was arguably the worst day in human history. Not that anything so awful happened during those 24 hours, but the assassination in Sarajevo of the heir to the Hapsburg throne by a 19-year-old Bosnian Serb nationalist, Gavrilo Princip, initiated a series of events that led to not just the horrors of World War I but arguably also those of World War II as well as the rise to power of the fascist and communist movements.
In brief, that vicious era that historians have dubbed the short twentieth century, 1914-89, with its unprecedented numbers of deaths, of extremist movements, and of general human misery began with the shots that festive summer day. (June 28, 2014)
Friday, June 27, 2014
Thad Cochran Campaign Illegally Robocalls Black Democrats Against "Racist" Tea Party (Video)
[Previously, on this matter, at WEJB/NSU:
[“Mississippi: In Order to Get Out the Black Vote and Beat Chris McDaniel, Thad Cochran Relied on Scandal-Plagued Democratic Operative Mitzi Bickers.”]
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Thanks to reader-researcher “W.”
Upload by Charles Johnson (the investigative reporter, not the crazy, neocon blogger).
Published on Jun 22, 2014
Senator Thad Cochran's campaign illegally rallies black Democrat voters to his cause. It is illegal to encourage someone to vote for someone in the primary who they do not intend to vote for in the general. Rough transcript below.
"The timing has come to say no to the Tea Party, no to their obstruction, no to their disrespectful treatment of the first African American president. Vote Tuesday June 24th. Tea Party candidate Chris McDaniel is in a run off against Senator Thad Cochran. If we do nothing Tea Party candidate Chris McDaniel wins and causes even more problems for President Obama....With your help we can stop this. Please commit to voting against Chris McDaniel next Tuesday and so no to the Tea Party."
San Francisco Giants Fan Bryan Stow Seeks $112.5 Million in Damages from Los Angeles Dodgers as Trial Goes to Jury
Thanks to reader-researcher “W” for this article.
Bryan Stow jury mulling verdict
Updated: June 26, 2014, 7:54 P.M. ET
Associated Press/ESPN Los Angeles
Stow Lawsuit Against Dodgers Goes To Jury
Lester Munson discusses the negligence lawsuit that San Francisco Giants fan Bryan Stow has brought against the Los Angeles Dodgers regarding a beating on Opening Day 2011 that left him permanently disabled.
LOS ANGELES -- Jurors in a high-profile negligence lawsuit against the Los Angeles Dodgers and former owner Frank McCourt were asked Thursday to decide who was responsible for a beating that left a San Francisco Giants fan with devastating brain damage.
The case filed on behalf of Bryan Stow was placed in the hands of jurors after closing arguments. They deliberated for three hours and left for the day without reaching a verdict. They were to resume talks on Friday.
Stow's lawyer Tom Girardi contended the Dodgers and McCourt had failed to provide enough security to keep Stow safe at the Opening Day game in 2011 between the state rivals.
"Dodger Stadium got to a place where it was a total mess," Girardi told jurors. "There was a culture of violence. Beer sales were off the charts."
He also said, "The only thing Bryan Stow was doing was wearing a jersey that said 'Giants.'"
Girardi implored the jury to award $37.5 million in damages and double that amount for pain and suffering.
Defense attorney Dana Fox countered that there was more security than at any other Dodgers Opening Day in history and that no one could have prevented the assault on Stow as he walked to a spot to catch a cab.
He insisted the team and McCourt were blameless, and that Stow should receive nothing.
"We would be heartless and inhuman not to feel sympathy for Mr. Stow," Fox said. "These are life-altering injuries."
However, he reminded jurors they had promised not to let sympathy influence their verdict.
The closing arguments came a day after Stow sat in his wheelchair in court. Jurors could see ghastly scars on his head where his skull had been temporarily removed during medical treatment.
Stow, 45, a former paramedic from Northern California, didn't testify and was not in the courtroom Thursday. His family, however, occupied a front row.
Girardi described him to jurors as one of the nicest people he has represented and said, "We hope to get a little justice out of this."
Girardi has said Stow has no memory of the catastrophic events and had to be told Wednesday why he was sitting in the courtroom.
Fox insisted that responsibility for the beating in a parking lot belonged to Dodgers fans Louie Sanchez and Marvin Norwood, who pleaded guilty to charges filed in the attack.
Fox also cited testimony that Stow's blood-alcohol level was .18 percent -- more than twice the legal limit for driving -- and a witness account of Stow yelling in the parking lot with his arms up in the air.
"There were three parties responsible -- Sanchez, Norwood and, unfortunately, Stow himself. There were things Mr. Stow did that put these things in action," Fox said.
He added, "You don't get yourself this drunk and then say it's not your fault."
Fox showed jurors blown-up pictures of Sanchez and Norwood, and pointed to them as the culprits. He also noted that Stow has never sued them.
Girardi asserted that there should have been more uniformed police officers at the stadium. If security officers had been on the job, they would have ousted the rowdy Sanchez during the game and there would have been no assault, he said.
Girardi also suggested that the jury assign 100 percent of the fault for the beating to the team.
Mississippi: In Order to Get Out the Black Vote and Beat Chris McDaniel, Thad Cochran Relied on Scandal-Plagued Democratic Operative Mitzi Bickers
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Re Mitzi Bickers, a colleague writes,
It's an open secret rampant black voter fraud occurred in the 2009 mayoral election in Atlanta, depriving the city of its first white mayor since 1973.
Meet Mitzi Bickers
By Eliana Johnson
June 27, 2014 12:30 A.M.
National Review
A scandal-plagued Democratic operative worked the black vote for Cochran
Meet what appears to be one of the keys to Thad Cochran’s black-turnout operation, Mitzi Bickers.
She is, from all appearances, something of a renaissance woman: She is not only the pastor of Atlanta’s Emmanuel Baptist Church but also a former president of the Atlanta school board, a former construction-company executive, and a Democratic staffer and political strategist with a checkered past. Last year, she left her job as a senior adviser to Atlanta mayor Kasim Reed after news surfaced that she had filed a fraudulent financial-disclosure statement.
In a bizarre turn of events, it seems that Bickers was in the middle of a bitterly contested Republican Senate primary. Two Atlanta-based entities affiliated with Bickers, The Bickers Group and the Pirouette Company, were paid thousands of dollars to make robo-calls on Senator Cochran’s behalf by a super PAC that backed Cochran in his bid for reelection. Documents filed with the Federal Election Commission show that Mississippi Conservatives, the political-action committee run by former Mississippi governor Haley Barbour’s nephew Henry, paid the groups a total of $44,000 for get-out-the-vote “phone services.”
On Tuesday, Cochran narrowly defeated his insurgent challenger, Chris McDaniel, in a runoff election that was nasty and personal from the outset. In fact, McDaniel has yet to concede the race, saying that he is looking into “rampant” voting irregularities and calling on state election officials to release voter data.
When the June 3 primary election was thrown into a runoff, the Cochran campaign began looking to expand the electorate. That meant courting Mississippi’s large African-American population. The campaign deployed volunteers throughout the state’s Delta region, which has a concentrated African-American population, and even hired Democratic operative James “Scooby Doo” Watson to lend a hand. It worked: Turnout in the Delta increased nearly 40 percent on Tuesday.
Though not a Mississippi native, Bickers is no stranger to get-out-the-vote efforts. She has worked in Atlanta politics for years and, as a campaign operative for Kasim Reed, who came from behind to win the city’s mayoralty in 2009, Bickers, who is African American and openly gay, worked to get black voters to the polls. Reed won by just over 700 votes and, in the wake of his victory, the former executive director of the Georgia Democratic party called Bickers “the most well-known and well-respected” political operative in the state when it comes to turning out the vote.
Though the content of the robo-calls Bickers placed on Cochran’s behalf is unknown — Henry Barbour says he never heard the final calls, and that her efforts were “far more” about making live calls than robo-calls — it makes sense that the Barbour clan would reach out to her in an election that required Cochran and his allies to execute a near-perfect voter-turnout strategy, particularly among Democrats and African Americans. Henry Barbour says Bickers was referred to him by Tony Yarber, the mayor of Jackson, Miss., to whom she donated $4,000 when he ran for office earlier this year. Like Henry’s uncle Haley, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee and the force that loomed over Cochran’s reelection effort, Bickers is a hardened, southern politician who has learned how to win political grudge matches in a city and a state with a reputation for corruption and double dealing.
The Cochran supporters’ arrangement with Bickers is especially notable, given the role of racial politicking generally and of one sketchy robo-call in particular that raised the ire of tea-party voters as the race drew to a close. Near the end of the runoff campaign, a recording came to light — it was first reported by investigative reporter Charles Johnson [no, not that Charles Johnson!] – of a racially tinged call that urged voters to combat the Tea Party by casting a ballot for Cochran. It accused the Tea Party of “disrespectful treatment of the country’s first African-American president.” The Cochran campaign has denied any connection to the call, and Barbour says the call was not from the Mississippi Conservatives PAC or from Bickers. He believes, he says, that Bickers placed two automated calls to African-American households.
Bickers did not respond to a phone message left at her church, and spokesmen for Mayor Reed and for the Georgia Democratic party could not provide contact information for her. Neither Pirouette nor The Bickers Group appear to have operative websites. The 48-year-old pastor built a power base in Atlanta as president of the school board and later, in 2003, ran an unsuccessful campaign for the chairmanship of the Fulton County Commission.
She retired from public service in June of last year after Atlanta’s WSB-TV reported that, while serving as Reed’s director of human services, she failed to include on a financial-disclosure report, filed under penalty of perjury, thousands of dollars she had earned in political-consulting work.
While advising the mayor, Bickers was also working for the Pirouette Company, which in 2012 brought in over $500,000 in political-consulting fees from state and local campaigns. There was at least an appearance of conflict of interest in this work: Pirouette’s clients in 2012 included the Citizens for Transportation Mobility, a nonprofit group that lobbied for a transportation tax Reed strongly supported. Bickers amended her financial-disclosure form when confronted by reporters and retired from city government a month later.
Mississippi Conservatives, the pro-Cochran PAC, paid the Pirouette Company $19,660 for robo-calls in the last week of the runoff, and Pirouette has its own colorful history.
Another Pirouette client in 2012 was the magistrate judge Melynee Leftridge, a candidate for state-court judge, and Bickers worked on her behalf. Days before Leftridge’s July primary, a voter filed an ethics complaint against the candidate, accusing her of an “apparent elaborate scheme” to funnel thousands of dollars to Pirouette. Bizarrely, at the time, according to a contemporaneous account in the Georgia Voice, Pirouette was a dance company that offered classes on “strip teasing and pole dancing” as well as “boot camps and personal fitness training.”
Bickers told the Voice that while the company worked with youth through dance and the arts, she encouraged Pirouette to “move toward expanding its services from community service to disadvantaged youth to include election consulting and field work as the election season ramped up.”
Pirouette wasn’t Bickers’s only source of income. The website of the Georgia secretary of state shows that she founded The Bickers Group in 2004. The principal office address is listed as a private home in Atlanta, and the website of the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission shows that she has made thousands of dollars through the firm — including while she worked for Reed — for consulting, strategic work, field operations, and get-out-the-vote efforts for several Georgia political candidates.
And, apparently, for Thad Cochran. Federal Election Commission reports indicate that the Mississippi Conservatives PAC paid The Bickers Group $25,000 last week for “GOTV phone services” — even though, according to the Georgia secretary of state’s website, The Bickers Group dissolved in September 2012.
— Eliana Johnson is media editor of National Review Online.
Mississippi Tea Party Leader and Attorney Mark Mayfield has Committed Suicide, Following Arrest in Photogate
I thank the reader who sent me this article.
Mississippi Tea Party leader and attorney Mark Mayfield, one of the four people arrested in connection with the photographing of Sen. Thad Cochran’s wife at an Oxford nursing home, has committed suicide, the Jackson Clarion-Ledger reports.
“Sources have confirmed that attorney Mark Mayfield has died of an apparent suicide,” the Clarion-Ledger’s Sam Hall wrote.
In April, blogger Clayton Kelly allegedly entered the nursing home and photographed Cochran’s wife Rose. He published the photograph in a YouTube video on April 26, then removed it after state Sen. Chris McDaniel’s campaign discovered it and pushed for its removal.
Cochran’s team found out about the video that day and notified police three weeks later. Within 24 hours, police arrested Kelly. The following week, police arrested Mayfield and conservative activists Rick Sager and John Mary on charges they worked to conduct a “conspiracy” with Kelly to take the photograph.
Mayfield's legal reputation and business took a severe hit following the incident, people who knew him said. Cochran's campaign seized on the arrests, running television ads about the incident. At one point, following another incident, Cochran spokesman Jordan Russell said the McDaniel campaign was “full of criminals” who “cannot keep themselves out of trouble with the law.”
“He looked like a shell of a man,” says one person who saw him at an event about four weeks ago right before the primary. Another source said Mayfield had lost many clients after the arrest.
Convicted Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. (Zanu-PF-IL) is Crazy … Like a Fox!
Thanks to reader-researcher “W” for the sendalong.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 9:58 AM
Subject: Taking Care of the Most Vulnerable
Jesse Jackson Jr. to Grab $8,700 Per Month in Disability , Plus Pension In Prison
>>> Convicted Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL) is scheduled to receive $8,700 per month in government disability pay , as well as a partial federal pension of $45,000. That generous $8,700 in disability comes thanks to Jackson 's sudden development of a "mood disorder" as the federal government began looking to indict him. Jackson, who was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison, had no history of mental illness during his prior 17 years in Congress. Rev. Jesse Jackson has defended his son's claims of mental illness, stating to the court , " This time a year ago I thought we may have lost him." So, Jesse Jackson , Jr. 17-year veteran of the US Congress, suddenly gets a "mood disorder" (about the same time he learned he was to be indicted) and is going to prison for 2.5 years. Because his "mood disorder" was so severe, he has become disabled and will receive $8700 per month as a disability payment as well as $45000 a year from his congressional pension , a total of about $150K per year. Is this a great country or what?
>>> By the way, I have had a rather substantial "mood disorder disability" ever since Obama got elected in 2008. I have not committed any felonies, have not been convicted and sentenced to prison and I don't get squat - other than a higher and higher tax bill every year and the privilege of watching our federal deficit grow every day of the year. Which grossly affects my mood disorder in a really bad way.
A few details not included in the above note.
Jesse Junior was sent to prison because he was embezzling money to buy the necessities of life. These necessities included fedoras once owned by Michael Jackson and Cashmere capes.
But Jesse Junior was a viable servant to goodness and truth. For example, in preparation for the Sesquicentennial of the War for Southern Independence, Jackson got Congress – probably without a negative vote – to mandate that all "Civil War" sites must teach civil rights as an integral part of their message. So if you go to the Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, you will find the theme to be "From Civil War to Civil Rights." So while Jesse may be lounging in a country club prison right now overcoming his mood disorder, his truth goes marching on. At your expense, of course.
To Kill a Mockingbird, in Knoxville, Tennessee
Retweeted by Jamie Satterfield
KNS Watchful Eye @KNSWatchfulEye 2h
Overheard on police scanner: Woman needs officer b/c of aggressive mockingbird attacking her when she walks outside. Bird knocked her down.
Must be one of those civil rights mockingbirds.
Appellate Court to Employers: Fire All Black Workers
I was logically extrapolating from Jamie Satterfield’s tweet:
Jamie Satterfield @jamiescoop 8m
“@LXBN: Appellate court to employers: Nooses and the n-word have no place at work. - @FoxRothschild” duh
I responded, Then I guess they’ll have to fire all the black workers.
"Government" is just a word for things we do together…
Tweeted by David Burge @iowahawkblog June 23.
Retweeted by RestoringHistory.US.
Young, Mexican and Central American Criminals (“Children”) Cause Humanitarian Crisis and Enslave American Taxpayers
Desperately Seeking Desperadoes in Diapers
By Ilana Mercer
June 25, 2014
“The desperadoes in diapers were also said to have fallen victim to a sudden deterioration in conditions in Central America. No proof has been advanced for the claim that, all of a sudden, things in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador have worsened. Because they reason in circles, no-border advocates deploy no logic to justify their claims. Only this did these Aristotelians say:
That Central American minors are arriving, hat-in-hand, is in itself proof that their homes have become uninhabitable. Quod erat demonstrandum (as Erik Rush likes to say); Q.E.D.; case proven.
Having been given the go-ahead by media mogul Rupert Murdoch – he came out for de facto limitless importation of Third World immigrants – his employees at Fox News cued the violins. Shepard Smith was weeping and gnashing his teeth…
“The children, the children,” wailed Fox News’ Megyn Kelly. “It’s all about the children. We are the United States, what do we do about the children?” Such showy “humanitarianism” invariably means the following: Working people in the U.S., with children of their own to mind, will be roped into supporting the children of the world. Enslave one set of people to whom American politicians are beholden by law, for the benefit of another.
Where’s the humanity for the non-consenting host population?
Bastiat’s “What-Is-Seen-and-What-Is-Not-Seen” principle is relevant here. While open-border libertines love Bastiat’s elegant argument, they seldom apply it to mass immigration, where these implacable enemies of America choose to see only benefits. Thus, for every mound of cheap strawberries, there are crops of criminals, failing schools, folding hospitals and environmental despoliation….
[Read the whole thing here.]
Ann Coulter: America's Favorite National Pastime: Hating Soccer
America's Favorite National Pastime: Hating Soccer
By Ann Coulter
June 25, 2014
I've held off on writing about soccer for a decade -- or about the length of the average soccer game -- so as not to offend anyone. But enough is enough. Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's moral decay.
(1) Individual achievement is not a big factor in soccer. In a real sport, players fumble passes, throw bricks and drop fly balls -- all in front of a crowd. When baseball players strike out, they're standing alone at the plate. But there's also individual glory in home runs, touchdowns and slam-dunks.
In soccer, the blame is dispersed and almost no one scores anyway. There are no heroes, no losers, no accountability, and no child's fragile self-esteem is bruised. There's a reason perpetually alarmed women are called "soccer moms," not "football moms."
Do they even have MVPs in soccer? Everyone just runs up and down the field and, every once in a while, a ball accidentally goes in. That's when we're supposed to go wild. I'm already asleep.
(2) Liberal moms like soccer because it's a sport in which athletic talent finds so little expression that girls can play with boys. No serious sport is co-ed, even at the kindergarten level.
(3) No other "sport" ends in as many scoreless ties as soccer. This was an actual marquee sign by the freeway in Long Beach, California, about a World Cup game last week: "2nd period, 11 minutes left, score: 0:0." Two hours later, another World Cup game was on the same screen: "1st period, 8 minutes left, score: 0:0." If Michael Jackson had treated his chronic insomnia with a tape of Argentina vs. Brazil instead of Propofol, he'd still be alive, although bored.
Even in football, by which I mean football, there are very few scoreless ties -- and it's a lot harder to score when a half-dozen 300-pound bruisers are trying to crush you.
(4) The prospect of either personal humiliation or major injury is required to count as a sport. Most sports are sublimated warfare. As Lady Thatcher reportedly said after Germany had beaten England in some major soccer game: Don't worry. After all, twice in this century we beat them at their national game.
Baseball and basketball present a constant threat of personal disgrace. In hockey, there are three or four fights a game -- and it's not a stroll on beach to be on ice with a puck flying around at 100 miles per hour. After a football game, ambulances carry off the wounded. After a soccer game, every player gets a ribbon and a juice box.
(5) You can't use your hands in soccer. (Thus eliminating the danger of having to catch a fly ball.) What sets man apart from the lesser beasts, besides a soul, is that we have opposable thumbs. Our hands can hold things. Here's a great idea: Let's create a game where you're not allowed to use them!
(6) I resent the force-fed aspect of soccer. The same people trying to push soccer on Americans are the ones demanding that we love HBO's "Girls," light-rail, Beyonce and Hillary Clinton. The number of New York Times articles claiming soccer is "catching on" is exceeded only by the ones pretending women's basketball is fascinating.
I note that we don't have to be endlessly told how exciting football is.
(7) It's foreign. In fact, that's the precise reason the Times is constantly hectoring Americans to love soccer. One group of sports fans with whom soccer is not "catching on" at all, is African-Americans. They remain distinctly unimpressed by the fact that the French like it.
(8) Soccer is like the metric system, which liberals also adore because it's European. Naturally, the metric system emerged from the French Revolution, during the brief intervals when they weren't committing mass murder by guillotine.
Despite being subjected to Chinese-style brainwashing in the public schools to use centimeters and Celsius, ask any American for the temperature, and he'll say something like "70 degrees." Ask how far Boston is from New York City, he'll say it's about 200 miles.
Liberals get angry and tell us that the metric system is more "rational" than the measurements everyone understands. This is ridiculous. An inch is the width of a man's thumb, a foot the length of his foot, a yard the length of his belt. That's easy to visualize. How do you visualize 147.2 centimeters?
(9) Soccer is not "catching on." Headlines this week proclaimed "Record U.S. ratings for World Cup," and we had to hear -- again -- about the "growing popularity of soccer in the United States."
The USA-Portugal game was the blockbuster match, garnering 18.2 million viewers on ESPN. This beat the second-most watched soccer game ever: The 1999 Women's World Cup final (USA vs. China) on ABC. (In soccer, the women's games are as thrilling as the men's.)
Run-of-the-mill, regular-season Sunday Night Football games average more than 20 million viewers; NFL playoff games get 30 to 40 million viewers; and this year's Super Bowl had 111.5 million viewers.
Remember when the media tried to foist British soccer star David Beckham and his permanently camera-ready wife on us a few years ago? Their arrival in America was heralded with 24-7 news coverage. That lasted about two days. Ratings tanked. No one cared.
If more "Americans" are watching soccer today, it's only because of the demographic switch effected by Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration law. I promise you: No American whose great-grandfather was born here is watching soccer. One can only hope that, in addition to learning English, these new Americans will drop their soccer fetish with time.
The Pinata: Michael Ramirez Political Cartoon
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
I thank the old friend who sent me this, writing,
The great Michael Ramirez summarizes the southern-border outrage.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
McDonald’s Racist Hate Crime: Would You Like the Beating of Your Life with That? Black, 200+ lb., Female Salem McDonald’s Employee of the Month Chases White, 100-lb. Female Customer, Beats Her Almost to Death, Threatens to Shoot Her, and to Kick Her 2-Year-Old in the Face, to Cheers and Support of Black Onlookers
Thanks to reader-researcher "W" for this story.
By Nicholas Stix
Meet LaTia Harris, part-time Moslem, full-time racist.
While in her McDonald’s uniform and on the clock, Harris beat a white female McDonald’s customer, in front of the latter’s two-year-old son, punching her in the face 20 times, breaking her nose, blinding her in one eye, kicking her bloody, prostrate body, spitting on her, threatening to shoot her, and threatening to kick the victim’s toddler son in the face.
Harris isn’t a "suspect," she's a felon. The whole thing is on video, shot by one of her black supporters, all of whom cheered her on. Harris asked that they not post their videos online, so as to aid and abet her, but one momentarily did so, before pulling it. However, police were able to download it, before the accessory pulled it.
Anyone in the crowd of black onlookers could have pulled Harris off her victim, or called 911, but they did nothing, except to video the attack for their own racist edification.
As a law enforcement reader at pointed out, since they cheered on Harris, they can be arrested for incitement.
Editors at, when they weren’t busy censoring comments, lied in asserting that race had nothing to do with the attack. Race had everything to do with it.
It appears that Harris was nasty to the white customer, the customer complained to the manager, and Harris, who believes that for a white to complain to or about abuse from a black is a death-penalty offense, hunted down and brutally beat the customer.
I guarantee you, it’s not the first time she has done something like that, though not necessarily in a McDonald’s uniform. However, I would expect that she has been abusive to white customers in the past, since she is probably abusive to whites every chance she gets.
McDonald’s may not be criminally liable in this case, but it is completely liable civilly. Harris was not only in the company’s uniform, but she was on the clock and representing McDonald’s, while committing her crimes. The company is responsible for hiring pleasant workers, and instead it hired a racist monster. Not only that, but the company has for years prided itself on fostering a racist, hostile atmosphere towards whites, and on behalf of blacks, with its official “365Black” policy. McDonald’s could and should be on the hook for millions.
The Stix family has not patronized McDonald’s in years, and any white would be crazy to put money in its coffers.
McDonald’s corporate has been avoiding reporters all day, and desperately crafting a damage control plan.
Meanwhile, LaTia Harris remain s at large, no doubt being harbored by criminal black supremacist friends or relatives.
Brutal Salem assault captured on video WARNING: This video contains scenes of violence and explicit language which may be disturbing to some viewers. An amateur video posted on Facebook, but since removed, shows a woman being savagely beaten Tuesday night in Salem City as her young son watches and tries to intervene.
By Bill Gallo Jr./South Jersey Times June 25, 2014 at 8:27 P.M., updated June 26, 2014 at 1:06 P.M.
LaTia Harris, 25, of Salem, is facing charges of aggravated assault and two counts of making terroristic threats for assaulting a woman in front of her 2-year-old son. Salem City Police are still seeking Harris. (Photo provided)
UPDATE: LaTia Harris still sought by police. Bail set at $35,000. WARNING: The video included in this story contains foul language and scenes of violence that some viewers may find disturbing.
SALEM — Police are searching for a woman seen on an amateur video savagely beating another woman as the victim's 2-year-old son watched and pleaded for the violence to stop.
"Police in this county deal with this type of violence everyday. Yet, this video is physically sickening to watch," Salem Chief of Police John J. Pelura III said Wednesday.
The suspect in the case has been identified as Latia Harris, 25, of Salem, who is facing charges of aggravated assault and two counts of making terroristic threats, Pelura said. She has not yet been apprehended.
A video showing the violent attack had been posted for a brief time Tuesday night on Facebook before it was taken down. Law enforcement and others were able to obtain a copy of the video.
The person who took the video appears to have happened upon the incident and began recording, probably using a cell phone.
The video shows several others watching the beating and recording it on phones while the victim's toddler son tries to intervene on behalf of his mother, kicking at the assailant.
The assault took place Tuesday evening on a path that leads through a grassy and partially wooded area between the McDonald's restaurant on East Broadway and the Harvest Point Apartments on Grieves Parkway.
According to Pelura, officers were called to the entrance to Harvest Point "for a woman who was covered in blood and appeared to have been assaulted" Tuesday around 7:10 p.m.
The chief said the unidentified victim was "disoriented, confused and bleeding from the face."
Pelura said the victim said a woman named "Tia" who works at McDonald's assaulted her and "accused her of spreading rumors about her and her manager."
In the video the suspect is dressed in what appears to be a McDonald's restaurant employee uniform — a burgundy shirt and black pants. As bystanders watched, the victim is thrown to the ground and beaten about her face and kicked in her back by the suspect, the video shows.
During the beating the suspect continued to rant, using foul language and saying something about possibly losing her job. The victim's toddler son yelled for the beating to stop and kicked at the suspect's legs several times.
The victim is seen being punched at least 20 times and bleeding profusely.
At one point, Pelura said, and it is clearly seen in the video, Harris threatened to kick the victim's son in his face.
The video shows the assailant spitting on the victim and walking away, asking those recording the incident not to post it on social media.
The victim, a 27-year-old Salem woman, is seen left on the ground with blood in her hands from the beating to her face.
The victim was taken to The Memorial Hospital of Salem County, Mannington Township, for treatment.
Pelura said the fact that bystanders watched and recorded the incident and did nothing to stop it is sad.
"There is a moral and social breakdown in the fabric of our [black] society which is clearly evident when a woman gets pummeled in broad daylight in front of her child while a dozen [black] people pull out their phones to record the incident instead of calling for help," Pelura said.
"There is so little regard for human life — by the actor and the bystanders." ---
Contact South Jersey Times South Edition Editor Bill Gallo Jr. at 856-935-1500 Ext. 432 or via email at
Apparently, the leading cause of hard drive failures is...
Tweeted by David Burge @iowahawkblog 10h
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Wednesday, June 25, 2014
EEOC Successfully Shakes Down Yet Another White-Owned Trucking Company on Behalf of Black “Victims”—but Not in the Style to Which It is Accustomed
By Nicholas Stix
The following is the EEOC’s press release. I thank reader-researcher “W” for sending it to me.
Although the EEOC as usual claims a victory, there may be a silver lining. The jury award was a fraction of what the EEOC typically squeezes a company for in a “settlement.” Thus, victim A.C. Widenhouse, Inc. may ultimately have won a modest financial victory by fighting the EEOC.
Trucking Company to Pay $243,000 for Subjecting
African-American Employees to Racial Slurs and Nooses, Retaliation
WASHINGTON – In the latest of a series of successes in the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC’s) challenges to workplace racial harassment, the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld the EEOC’s victory in obtaining a jury verdict and more than $243,000 and injunctive relief for victims of racial harassment and retaliation perpetrated by A.C. Widenhouse, Inc., a Concord, N.C.-based trucking company, the agency announced today.
“Fifty years ago, Congress enacted the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which transformed the nation by removing discriminatory barriers that impeded human potential and productivity,” said EEOC General Counsel David Lopez. “Unfortunately, as the facts of this case and others brought by the Commission show, racial discrimination persists. Yet this case also highlights the vitality of the law as a Winston-Salem jury, acting as the conscience of the community, took less than one hour to send the unanimous message that race discrimination, in this case overt and unfiltered, is unacceptable. Then, the appellate court took less than a month to affirm this important verdict.”
Lynette A. Barnes, Regional Attorney for the EEOC’s Charlotte District, which litigated the case on behalf of the agency, said, “The court’s affirmation of this verdict sends a strong message to employers. First the jury, and now the appellate court, spoke to this employer loud and clear – racial harassment will not be tolerated.”
According to the EEOC’s lawsuit, Contonius Gill and Robert Floyd, Jr., African-Americans, worked as truck drivers for A.C. Widenhouse. From as early as May 2007 through at least June 2008, Gill was repeatedly subjected to unwelcome derogatory racial comments and slurs by the facility’s general manager, (who was also his supervisor), the company’s dispatcher, several mechanics and other truck drivers, all of whom are white. The comments and slurs included the “N” word, “monkey” and “boy.” Gill testified that on one occasion he was approached by a co-worker with a noose and was told, “This is for you. Do you want to hang from the family tree?” Gill further testified that he was asked by white employees if he wanted to be the “coon” in their “coon hunt.”
Floyd testified that he also was subjected to repeated derogatory racial comments and slurs by the company’s general manager and white employees. Floyd testified that when was hired in 2005, he was the only African-American working at the company. According to Floyd, the company’s general manager told Floyd that he was the company’s “token black.” Floyd testified that on another occasion the general manager told Floyd, ”Don’t find a noose with your name on it,” and talked about having some of his “friends” visit Floyd in the middle of the night. Gill repeatedly complained about racial harassment to the company’s dispatcher and general manager and Floyd complained to an owner of A.C. Widenhouse, but both men testified that the harassment continued.
Gill intervened in the lawsuit and in addition to the EEOC’s claim of racial harassment, Gill alleged that his employment with A.C. Widenhouse was terminated based on his race and in retaliation for complaining about racial harassment.
A Winston-Salem jury of eight returned a unanimous verdict finding that Gill and Floyd, Jr. had been harassed because of their race, and that Gill had been fired because of his race and in retaliation for complaining about racial harassment.
The district court ruled that the EEOC should recover $50,000 in compensatory and punitive damages on behalf of Floyd, and that Gill should recover $193,509 in compensatory and punitive damages, back pay, and pre-judgment interest. The court further enjoined A.C. Widenhouse from discriminating against any person on the basis of race or in retaliation for opposing practices unlawful under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The three-year injunction also requires A.C. Widenhouse to imple¬ment a written anti-discrimination policy; conduct training on Title VII to all employees and to all owners involved in the company’s operations; post the anti-discrimination policy and a notice to employees regarding the lawsuit; and provide the EEOC with periodic reports regarding complaints about racial harassment.
Although the jury took less than an hour to reach its unanimous verdict, A.C. Widenhouse appealed to the Fourth Circuit, arguing that the trial court had committed errors in instructing the jury and in ruling on the admissibility of evidence.
The court of appeals firmly rejected these arguments, saying that the company’s challenges to the EEOC’s case were without merit and that the trial court had not abused its discretion in any way in its conduct of the trial. Although the jury was not instructed in accordance with subsequently announced Supreme Court standards on Gill’s retaliation claim, the court of appeals said that A.C. Widenhouse had not demonstrated any prejudice from that error, and upheld the verdict on that claim as well.
The EEOC enforces federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination. Further information about the EEOC is available on the agency’s web site at
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Breaking News in Philly: Illegal Alien Felon Milton Mateo Garcia, 28, from Honduras, Charged with Rape, Kidnapping, Burglary, Robbery of 26-Year-Old Doctor Employed at Hospital of University of Pennsylvania
Milton Mateo Garcia is just the sort of character "Obama" seeks to invite in by the hundreds of millions
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
The perp committed the crimes in the Tony Rittenhouse Square section of Center City. Illegal alien Garcia had been deported to Honduras just 12 months ago, i.e., his mere presence on American soil was a felony.
The saving grace in all this is that the illegal alien perp was so stupid that he robbed his vic of her cellphone, and thereby led the cops to him. Note the PPD flack’s pc speak:
It is improper to speak of a rapist as “bold” or “desperate,” and to use psychobabble to describe his crime. The crime’s main characteristic was its violence, which the perp could have escalated to murdering the vic. Doesn’t the psychobabble sound trivial, given the hard reality of the crime?
Restaurant worker charged with Rittenhouse Square rape
By Joseph A. Gambardello, Alfred Lubrano, and Mark Fazlollah
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, 10:17 a.m.
Last updated: Tuesday, June 24, 2014, 6:30 p.m.
Philadelphia Inquirer
A ping from the stolen cellphone of a woman who had been raped in her Rittenhouse Square apartment led police Tuesday to declare the sexual assault solved.
Authorities arrested a 28-year-old kitchen worker from Honduras, Milton Mateo Garcia, on Monday night and charged him with grabbing the woman early Saturday on Spruce Street, forcing her into her own apartment, and raping her.
"For the residents of Rittenhouse Square, we have this guy off the street," said Capt. John Darby, commander of the Special Victims Unit. "You can rest easy today."
He said the brazenness of the attack - that the assailant took her into her apartment without knowing if anyone else was at home - had made police particularly concerned.
About 1:20 a.m. Saturday, the 26-year-old woman was returning to her apartment in the 1900 block of Spruce when a man who had been riding a bicycle approached her from behind.
Police said the assailant might have followed her after she left Ladder 15, a bar near 15th and Sansom Streets, and started walking home.
He grabbed her, saying, "Shut up, don't say anything," according to Darby.
Then, he said, the assailant forced the woman into the building, took her to her upstairs apartment, and assaulted her.
After fleeing the apartment, he may have gone back in to retrieve an item, Darby said. He added that police also believe "he attacked her a second time."
Afterward, he rode away on his bicycle with the victim's cellphone and keys, officials said.
On Saturday, police tracked a signal from her phone to the neighborhood around Eighth and Morris Streets. There, according to Lt. Anthony McFadden, who led the investigation, basic detective work eventually took them to the suspect's address in the 1800 block of South Eighth.
Detectives questioned three residents of the house and released them.
Then, after developing a sketch of the suspect with the help of the victim, police obtained a search warrant Monday and found the cellphone on the second floor of Garcia's address, McFadden said.
Detectives found her keys on the suspect when they arrested him at one of the restaurants where he works.
Darby said that Garcia made a statement to police. Along with rape, he is charged with kidnapping, burglary, robbery, and other offenses.
Tashan, one of the restaurants where Garcia worked, issued a statement saying he had been a part-time kitchen employee for three months and provided "all appropriate documents" for the job.
"Other than showing up for assigned shifts and performing his limited duties, with no customer interaction, Garcia gave us no reason to suspect he was involved in any criminal activity," according to the statement.
On Garcia's block of two-story brick rowhouses in South Philadelphia Tuesday, residents expressed surprise over the arrest.
Cristian Javier Garcia, 19, not related to the suspect, said in Spanish that he and Milton Garcia lived with seven other Honduran immigrants. Cristian Garcia said Milton Garcia worked nights in a Center City restaurant and was friends with his cousin, who also lives in the house.
Because Milton and Cristian's work shifts did not overlap, the two had limited contact. But Cristian Garcia said he considered Milton Garcia to be "good people."
He said Milton Garcia had lived at the house about a year, and his cousin had been there three years. Cristian Garcia's cousin largely oversees the three-story rowhouse.
John Ferlaino, 66, a retired forklift worker and a neighbor of Garcia's, said the suspect was "always going out at 1 or 2 in the morning on his bike."
An hour before the attack, a man with a bicycle and matching the general description of the assailant exposed himself to a 27-year-old woman at 16th and Pine Streets, police disclosed Tuesday.
Asked about that incident, Darby acknowledged that he was aware of it but did not say if investigators believed it was linked to the rape.
Darby said police are investigating to see if Garcia might be involved in other assaults. Garcia has no criminal record in Philadelphia, Darby said.
The captain said that the attacker's decision to grab the woman on the sidewalk and force her into her own apartment "showed either his boldness or desperation," Darby said. "It was a horrific crime, let's face it." He added, "It was a very unsettling, disturbing assault on a young woman."
215-854-4969 staff writer Michael Klein contributed to this article.
From Private to General: Jimmy Stewart, Bomber Pilot
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Uploaded on Nov 21, 2007, with text, by Bomberguy.
Jimmy Stewart was too modest to recount his war experiences and there is very little material on his tour as bomber pilot. I found this audio clip from 1990 when he spoke at Princeton about his life and briefly about WW2. The entire audio clip can be found at princeton dot edu.
Nearly two years before the December 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, Stewart had become a private pilot and had accumulated over 400 hours of flying time and was considered a highly proficient pilot. Along with musician/composer Hoagy Carmichael, seeing the need for trained war pilots, Stewart teamed with other Hollywood moguls and put their own money into creating a flying school in Glendale, Arizona which they named Thunderbird Field. This airfield trained more than 200,000 pilots during the War, became the origin of the Flying Thunderbirds, and is now the home of Thunderbird School of Global Management.
Later in 1940, Stewart was drafted into the Army Air Corps but was rejected due to a weight problem. The USAAC had strict height and weight requirements for new recruits and Stewart was five pounds under the standard. To get up to 148 pounds he sought out the help of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's muscle man, Don Loomis, who was legendary for his ability to add or subtract pounds in his studio gymnasium. Stewart subsequently attempted to enlist in the United States Army Air Corps but still came in under the weight requirement although he persuaded the AAF enlistment officer to run new tests, this time passing the weigh-in,with the result that Stewart successfully enlisted in the Army in March 1941. He became the first major American movie star to wear a military uniform in World War II.
Since the United States had yet to declare war on Germany and because of the Army's unwillingness to put celebrities on the front, Stewart was held back from combat duty, though he did earn a commission as a Second Lieutenant and completed pilot training. He was later stationed in Albuquerque, NM, becoming an instructor pilot for the B-17 Flying Fortress.
For the thirty-six-year-old Stewart, combat duty seemed far away and unreachable, and he had no clear plans for the future. But then a rumor that Stewart would be taken off flying status and assigned to making training films or selling bonds called for his immediate and decisive action, because what he dreaded most was the hope-shattering spector of a dead end." So he appealed to his commander, a pre-war aviator, who understood the situation and reassigned him to a unit going overseas.
In August 1943 he was finally assigned to the 445th Bombardment Group in Sioux City, Iowa, first as Operations Officer of the 703rd Bombardment Squadron and then its commander. In December, the 445th Bombardment Group flew its B-24 Liberator bombers to RAF Tibenham, England and immediately began combat operations. While flying missions over Germany, Stewart was promoted to Major. In March 1944, he was transferred as group operations officer to the 453rd Bombardment Group, a new B-24 outfit that had been experiencing difficulties. As a means to inspire his new group, Stewart flew as command pilot in the lead B-24 on numerous missions deep into Nazi-occupied Europe. These missions went uncounted at Stewart's orders. His "official" total is listed as 20 and are limited to those with the 445th. In 1944, he twice received the Distinguished Flying Cross for actions in combat and was awarded the Croix de Guerre. He also received the Air Medal with three oak leaf clusters. In July 1944, after flying 20 combat missions, Stewart was made chief of staff of the 2nd Combat Bombardment Wing of the Eighth Air Force. Before the war ended, he was promoted to colonel, one of only a few Americans to rise from private to colonel in four years.
At the beginning of June 1945, Stewart was the presiding officer of the Court-Martial of a pilot and navigator who were charged with dereliction of duty when they accidentally bombed the Swiss city of Zurich the previous March - the first instance of US personnel being tried over an attack on a neutral country. The Court acquitted the accused.
Stewart did not often talk of his wartime service, perhaps due to his desire to be seen as a regular soldier doing his duty instead of as a celebrity. He did appear on the TV series, The World At War to discuss the 14 October 1943, bombing mission to Schweinfurt, which was the center of the German ball bearing manufacturing industry. This mission is known in USAF history as Black Thursday due to the incredibly high casualties it sustained; in total 60 aircraft were lost out of 291 dispatched, as the raid consisting entirely of B17s was unescorted all the way to Schweinfurt and back due to the current escort aircraft available lacking the range. Fittingly, he was identified only as "James Stewart, Squadron Commander" in the documentary.
N.S.: Stewart was promoted to brigadier general in the Air Force reserves many years after The War.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Thomas Sowell: Brown v. Board of Education Judicial Philosophy Also Wrecked Policing and the Law
By Thomas Sowell
Half a century after Brown, Part III
May 14, 2004 /23 Iyar, 5764
Jewish World Review
Although Brown v. Board of Education dealt with race and with schools, its judicial philosophy spread rapidly to issues having nothing to do with race or schools. In the half century since Brown, judges at all levels have become unelected legislators imposing the vision of the political left across a wide spectrum.
For example, the anti-business vision of the left was apparent in another Supreme Court case with Brown in its title — Brown Shoe Co. v. United States. In this 1962 case, the same Chief Justice Earl Warren who delivered the landmark racial decision now ruled that a merger between the Brown Shoe Company and the Kinney retail shoe store chain had to be broken up.
Why? Because the Kinney chain, which sold about one percent of the shoes in the United States, could be "foreclosed" to other shoe manufacturers if it merged with Brown Shoe. According to Chief Justice Warren, such mergers, "if left unchecked, will be likely 'substantially to lessen competition.'"
If ever there was a runaway extrapolation, this was it. If Brown and Kinney had been allowed to remain merged, together they would still have sold less than 6 percent of the shoes in the United States. But the Warren Court wanted to nip monopoly in the bud.
The same anti-business bias has over the years allowed frivolous lawsuits, based on junk science, to ruin or destroy companies and whole industries, costing vast numbers of workers their jobs. All of this happened, not because the written laws compelled it, but because activist judges stretched and twisted the laws to fit their own biases and preconceptions.
Nowhere did this free-wheeling judicial activism do more damage to more people than in the Warren Court's remaking of the criminal law.
Under the much disdained "traditional" approach of criminal law, murders had been declining dramatically over the years. The murder rate in 1960 was just under half of what it had been in 1934.
All of that changed quickly and dramatically for the worse after the Warren Court began imposing its own notions about crime in the 1960s. The most famous of these changes was the "Miranda warning" that police have to give suspects, stating that they have a right to remain silent and to have an attorney supplied free.
For more than a century and a half, not one of the great Supreme Court Justices — not Holmes, not Brandeis, nor anybody else — had ever discovered any such requirement in the Constitution of the United States. Nor had Congress passed any law requiring any such thing.
It was just another part of the liberal vision imposed from the bench by an unelected judiciary. Moreover, Miranda was just one in a string of Supreme Court decisions that made it easier for criminals to escape punishment.
The theory was that a more "enlightened" understanding of crime would reduce the crime rate.
Whatever the plausibility of this belief, the facts to the contrary were devastating.
The murder rate, which had been going down for decades, suddenly shot up. By 1974, the murder rate was twice as high as in 1961. The average person's chances of becoming a victim of a violent crime tripled between 1960 and 1976.
Anyone can make a mistake but judicial mistakes are set in concrete. Moreover, the very possibility that they might be mistaken never seemed to occur to headstrong Justices.
When a former police commissioner addressed a gathering of judges in 1965, warning of the consequences to expect from their rulings in criminal cases, Justices Warren and Brennan "roared with laughter," according to the New York Times, when a law professor poured scorn and derision on the commissioner's statements.
How many crime victims or their widows or orphans would have laughed is another question.
Brown v. Board of Education was not just about race or schools but was about a whole judicial mindset with ramifications across a whole spectrum of issues — and reverberations that are still with us in the 21st century. Its pluses and minuses have to be added up with that in mind.
Greta Van Susteren "Furious" at Obama: "At Best, He Blew It. At Worst, He Doesn’t Give a Damn."
Jason Howerton
June 20, 2014
The Blzae
Fox News host Greta Van Susteren says she is “furious” at President Barack Obama after he apparently failed to even mention jailed U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi during a discussion with the president of Mexico this week.
“I’m furious at President Obama and you should be too. At best, he blew it. At worst, he doesn’t give a damn,” Van Susteren said.
The two presidents discussed the U.S. border crisis but, according to the White House’s own notes of the call, Tahmooressi’s name never came up.
The former U.S. Marine has been locked up in a Mexican prison for months after he allegedly took a wrong turn near the border. He was arrested at a checkpoint because he was traveling with firearms.
“President Obama had his chance in that call to help Sgt. Tahmooressi, but he let us all down big time,” Van Susteren added.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Feminist Swedish Public Schools Find Girls are being Genitally Mutilated--but Do Nothing about It
By Nicholas Stix
Feminist are all fascists, at heart. They are fearless against pussy-whipped men, but faced with real male chauvinist pigs from a real rape culture, they lie down and take it—and enjoy it.
At Ex-Army.
Doctors Who Examined the Central Park Jogger: We Said Matias Reyes Did Not Act Alone, But Bill de Blasio Ignored Us! Attackers' Lawyer Says Drs. are "Part of a Conspiracy" with Police and Prosecutors
Note that "The Jogger’s" (Trisha Meili’s) doctors have been insisting for at least 12 years that Matias Reyes could not have single-handedly inflicted all of her wounds.
“Central Park Jogger's” Doctors Said Injuries Indicate More Than One Attacker
Matias Reyes' Confession He was Sole Attacker Led to Conviction Dismissals for "Central Park Five"
By Sean Gardiner
Updated June 20, 2014 4:16 p.m. ET
Wall Street Journal
Raymond Santana, right, Kevin Richardson, and Yusef Salaam, left, with supporters on Jan. 17, 2013. Associated Press
Two doctors who treated the "Central Park jogger" after she was beaten, raped and left for dead in 1989 say that medical evidence shows her confessed assailant might not have been her only attacker.
Convicted serial rapist Matias Reyes's 2002 confession, in which he said he acted alone, was the cornerstone of prosecutors' 2002 decision to dismiss the conviction of five teenagers who were found guilty of the crime in 1990. They became known as the Central Park Five.
Dr. Jane Haher (Jen Judge for the Wall Street Journal)
Footage of defendant Yusef Salaam walking into the courthouse flanked by police officers in the documentary 'The Central Park Five.' (Sundance Selects)
The confession is also the basis for the five men's federal civil rights lawsuit against New York City. On Wednesday, the city and the five men agreed to settle the suit for $40 million, according to a person familiar with the matter.
City attorneys, at the direction of Mayor Bill de Blasio, began negotiating the settlement with attorneys for Yusef Salaam, Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Kharey "Korey" Wise and Raymond Santana when he took office. For about a decade, the Bloomberg administration litigated the plaintiffs' allegations that prosecutors and detectives coerced false confessions out of the five men.
During their trials, the jury heard testimony that semen recovered at the crime scene didn't match their DNA. They each served between 6 ¾ and 13 years. The prosecution's case relied on their statements incriminating each other and a theory that an additional rapist hadn't been caught.
The case continues to be controversial. In 2013, documentarian Ken Burns and his daughter, Sarah Burns, released the film "Central Park Five." Both are outspoken proponents of the men's innocence.
The two doctors who treated Patricia Meili after the attack said in recent interviews with The Wall Street Journal that some of her physical wounds weren't consistent with the description of Mr. Reyes's acts, which he provided to authorities. DNA tests have confirmed Mr. Reyes raped Ms. Meili, prosecutors said.
The doctors said their findings aren't evidence of the innocence or guilt of the five men or that they were involved in the attack. But their information, they said, should call into question Mr. Reyes's assertion that he was her only attacker.
Mr. Reyes wasn't prosecuted in Ms. Meili's case because the statute of limitations expired. Letters sent to him in Shawangunk Correctional Facility in Wallkill, N.Y. seeking comment weren't answered. A spokeswoman for the city's Law Department declined to comment. Ten lawyers representing the five men and their families didn't return messages for comment. Several of the defendants in the civil suit said they were under orders from the judge not to publicly discuss the case.
In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Ms. Meili said she suffered amnesia as a result of the attack and has no memory of it. She said that over the years she has discussed her injuries with her doctors and they shared their opinions that some of the wounds weren't consistent with Mr. Reyes' description of the attack. Ms. Meili, who said she hasn't been contacted by city attorneys negotiating the settlement, said she gave the doctors permission to discuss her injuries and medical treatment.
"I will never know what happened that horrible night," Ms. Meili said. "But I am determined to give voice to this information that people
just seem to gloss over and ignore."
Robert Kurtz was the director of the surgical intensive-care unit at Metropolitan Hospital supervising Ms. Meili's recovery during her approximately seven weeks there after the April 19, 1989 attack.
The doctor, now 72, said city lawyers litigating the case have never contacted him. He said he thought it was important that city officials are aware of his information after Mr. de Blasio said he wanted to settle the case. A spokesman for Mr. de Blasio did not return a message seeking comment.
Dr. Kurtz said Ms. Meili, then a 28-year-old investment banker, nearly bled to death from five lacerations to her head.
Three of those injuries were blunt wounds that could have been caused by the tree limb and rock that Mr. Reyes, now 43, said he used in the attack, Dr. Kurtz said. But two other wounds were caused by a cutting instrument, such as a knife or razorblade, he said. In the portions of his confessions made public, Mr. Reyes didn't mention using sharp weapons.
"There had to be another individual or a group who inflicted injuries with a sharp-edged instrument if he only used a blunt object," Dr. Kurtz said.
He was called by the government and testified at the trials of the five men. But lawyers didn't ask what weapons could have caused the lacerations, Dr. Kurtz said.
Jane Haher, the former chief of plastic surgery at Metropolitan, said she examined Ms. Meili the day after the attack. Dr. Haher said what she saw on Ms. Meili's legs, which were swollen with fluids, was something "I'll never forget as long as I live."
There were several sets of handprints, as if left on clay, indented on Ms. Meili's thighs, calves, ankles and behind her knees, Dr. Haher said. That indicated to her that "people held her legs down while somebody did this horrible act."
Dr. Haher said the hand marks weren't technically injuries and she didn't record them on her medical chart. "I was not thinking of the legal case," she said.
Dr. Kurtz is in possession of Ms. Meili's medical records. He said he remembered speaking with Dr. Haher about the handprints. But he said the marks didn't strike him as unusual because media reports at the time said there were multiple people involved in the attack.
Dr. Haher said she was questioned by city attorneys fighting the men's lawsuit about six years ago. She said she hasn't been contacted by the current administration.
Jonathan Moore, an attorney who represents three of the five plaintiffs in their lawsuit, said there is "absolutely no evidence," including medical records, supporting the doctors' claims.
The doctors coming forward at this point, he said, appears to him to be part of a conspiracy that stretches from former detectives, prosecutors and others "responsible for this terrible injustice." It is a desperate attempt, he said, to scuttle the settlement talks to protect their reputations.
"You're talking about someone who said it's not in the [medical] records but he just remembers it from 25 years ago?" Mr. Moore said.
Both doctors denied that they are part of any conspiracy. Dr. Kurtz said his information consists of "medical facts." Dr. Haher said she is "just telling the truth about what I saw that day."
Mr. Moore is correct that Ms. Meili's medical records lack specificity, Dr. Kurtz said. The records only list the size and location of the lacerations, which he said is standard. "I watched those wounds as they healed," he said. "I know what they looked like."
Corrections & Amplifications
Robert Kurtz, the former director of the surgical intensive-care unit at Metropolitan Hospital, is 72 years old. A June 20 article about his observations of the "Central Park Jogger's" wounds incorrectly said he was 73.
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