Saturday, April 05, 2014

NBC’s Today Show Co-Host Willie Geist: Blacks are Genetically Programmed to Engage in High Levels of Violence!



By Nicholas Stix

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU, on Willie Geist:

The Today Show Pushes Promiscuity: Co-Host Natalie Morales Gets Disciplined on Air for Suggesting Non-Marital Co-Habitation is Less Than Ideal”;

“Willie Geist, Nelson Mandela, and George Orwell “; and

Today Show Scandal: Hosts Apologize for Telling the Truth about the Fake Black Sign Language Interpreter at Nelson Mandela’s Memorial Service.”]

Geist didn’t specifically say “blacks,” but several weeks ago I heard him say that scientists have determined that aggressive behavior is genetically caused. Well, what group is, on average, many times more violent than any other?

According to the reigning “disparate impact” dogma in academia, the MSM, and the schools, any statement of fact about any social pathology that is more true on average of blacks than of any other group, automatically becomes, via the alchemy of racial socialism, “racist” and “false.”

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