Saturday, April 05, 2014

Hate Crime in Detroit? Black Child (10) Darts into Busy Traffic, Right in Front of a Truck, and Gets Hit; Driver (54) Stops to Aid Child, but Black Crowd That Didn’t Care about the Child Beats Him Again and Again and Again, to Where He is at Death’s Door


The boy's godfather, James Duston Jr.

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

I thank my reader-researcher Jerry and the Countenance Blogmeister for the stories below.

Two Detroit Free Press reader comments follow:

Bubba Dubba Dooba

Johnny Yen ,why don't they say it like it is...Blacks beat the guy...

Dennis Smith

Someone who works for a living gets beat up by a neighborhood full of people who vote for a living.

I posted the following two comments at the Freep (I’ve been permablocked for years by the Daily News):

First off, the video shows the black child dart into traffic, about half a second before the truck passes. The people responsible for the child’s injuries are his negligent parents.

Second, it’s a 99.9 percent certainty that this was a racist hate crime. The crowd was clearly black—just listen to the witness who supported the potentially murderous beating of the victim, and to the boy’s black godfather try to b.s. his way out of helping. Blacks rarely show such bloodlust towards black drivers who harm, or even kill black kids. Note, too, the baseless assertion that the crowd was coming to the child’s aid. The only person who showed any concern for the child was the victim; the mob was only interested in murdering an innocent driver.

Finally, notice that none of the witnesses, including the godfather of the child who caused this, has provided any information, and none of them videotaped the attack.

There are some decent people on this board who have shown healthy moral indignation regarding this attack, e.g., calling the attackers “animals.” They have in turn been personally threatened by certain racist thread Nazis. Please, if you are going to post morally sensible comments, remove any information identifying your workplace from your Facebook profile. These thread Nazis want to destroy the life of every decent person in America.

Detroit man brutally beaten after stopping to check on boy he hit with truck

The 54-year-old man pulled over to help the boy, who was hit after he darted in front of the pickup truck, and was attacked by a group of bystanders. The child was treated for a broken leg, but the driver remained in critical condition on Thursday.

By Joe Kemp
New York Daily News
Thursday, April 3, 2014, 1:51 P.M.

WXYZ The little boy was being treated for a broken leg, but the driver — who was attacked by a group of bystanders after the accident — remained in critical condition.

A Detroit man was in grave condition after a group of people pummeled him when he pulled over to check on a 11-year-old boy he hit with his truck.

The 54-year-old driver stopped as soon as he struck the little boy — identified by his family only as David — who darted in front of the pickup truck near Morang and Balfour streets shortly after 4 p.m. Wednesday, WXYZ-TV reported.

“David was laying right in front of the driveway and he had blood coming out of his mouth,” James Duston, the boy’s godfather, told the news station.

“He couldn’t move his body.”

Suddenly, some of the 30 people who surrounded the scene pounced on the driver.

WXYZ A 54-year-old man was in critical condition after he was beaten by a group of people that attacked him when he checked on an 11-year-old boy that he hit with his truck.

“I think it lasted about one minute and then they let him go,” one witness, who did not give his name, told the news station.

“And then they jumped back on him again and they did it about three times, and finally someone was trying to help the guy that got beat up ... It was sad because I knew the guy was getting out of his car to try and see what damage he did.”

Sgt. Michael Woody of the Detroit Police Department told the Detroit Free Press both victims were taken to St. John Hospital.

The child was treated for a broken leg, but the driver was placed into an intensive care unit. A relative said he was suffering from injuries that included bleeding of the brain.

WXYZ James Duston Jr. said his 11-year-old godson, David, broke his leg after he was hit by the truck. But the driver suffered major injuries, including bleeding to the brain, after a group attacked him at the scene.

“He could potentially die,” Woody told the newspaper.

He said investigators were still trying to identify suspects wanted for the attack.

“The guy never tried to flee the scene,” Woody said. “He got out to check on the child and was assaulted by people in the neighborhood.”

Duston told the local ABC affiliate that he saw the beatdown, but wasn’t paying attention to who was involved.

“I did see it happening,” Duston said. “But my main concern, honestly, was on David.

“We don’t condone that at all.”

Crowd severely beats pickup driver who stopped after hitting boy, 10
3:48 PM, April 3, 2014 |

Surveillance video shows collision that led [sic] to beating on Detroit's east side: Clark gas station surveillance footage shows a pickup truck hitting an 11-year-old boy shortly before the driver, who stopped to help, was severely beaten, police say.

[The collision didn’t “lead” to the beating.]
By Katrease Stafford

Detroit Free Press Staff Writer

Related Links
• Fund-raiser aims to raise $50,000 for driver beaten after accident
• Detroit mayor tweets for #calm #compassion in wake of attack on pickup driver
• Driver clings to life after beating by attackers; boy expected to recover
• Driver beaten by crowd after hitting boy is in critical condition, Detroit police say

Detroit Police said a motorist is in critical condition after being beaten by a large group of people on the city's east side after his truck struck an 11-year-old boy near this Clark gas station at the corner of Morang and McKinney street in Detroit on Wednesday. Sgt. Michael Woody said the driver sustained multiple, serious head injuries and was also transported to St. John's Hospital. / Jarrad Henderson/Detroit Free Press

UPDATE: Crowd stole motorist's money, credit cards after beating him unconscious

UPDATE: Driver beaten by crowd after hitting boy is in critical condition, Detroit police say

A motorist is in critical condition after being beaten by a large group of people on the city’s east side after his truck struck an 10-year-old boy today, Detroit police said.

“He got his,” said one witness to the beating who declined to give her name. “He got beat up real bad.”

Sgt. Michael Woody said officers believe the driver pulled over to check on the child after he was hit around 4:10 p.m. He was then assaulted by people in the neighborhood near Morang and Balfour streets.

“Our chief indicated there was a large group of approximately 30 or more people,” Woody said. “But that’s not to say they all took part in the assault, but they did come out to assist the child, and it was a large group at that time. They could have been from that large group.”

No additional information was available about the child’s condition, but Woody said he was transported to St. John Hospital.

Woody said the driver sustained multiple, serious head injuries and was also transported to St. John.

“He could potentially die,” Woody said.

Later Wednesday afternoon, a few neighbors milled around the scene, a busy intersection with a gas station, a Happy’s Pizza and a liquor store. Despite the accident, children were still running through the street.

The Balfour resident who asked not to be identified said she saw the boy get hit by the truck after he and about three other children attempted to cross the intersection to go to a Clark gas station across the street.

“This little boy was screaming,” she said. “There was a lot of people that came out. It was crazy.”

She said several other neighbors ran outside when they heard the boy screaming. She said she and family watched as the driver was beaten by a group of men.

She said that after being beaten, the motorist went to the gas station for help.

The woman said several children routinely play outside and she’s become increasingly concerned with motorists speeding through the residential neighborhoods along Morang Street.

She said cars are often “driving up and down the street fast.”

[It's a busy street; she's trying to fob off the parents' unfitness onto the drivers. What kind of parents let their little kids run in a busy street?]

Woody said the incident isn’t being treated as a hit-and-run case because the driver stopped.

“The guy never tried to flee the scene,” Woody said. “He got out to check on the child and was assaulted by people in the neighborhood.”

Woody said police are searching for the individuals responsible for the assault.

Editor’s note: Detroit Police initially said the boy hit by the pickup truck was 11, but family members have confirmed he is 10.

Contact Katrease Stafford: or 313-223-4759. Follow her on Twitter @KatreaseS.


  1. NO race mentioned of the victim or the villains. How much you want to bet the man beaten was whitey and of course we know the mob was all negro.

  2. ELINEThe driver was robbed along with being beaten. 54 years old too he might count as a senior citizen. Crimes committed against seniors are usually aggravated offenses.

  3. They are going to try to identify the culprits. Good luck. There will be a solidarity among the residents of the colored neighborhood for "no snitch".

  4. Savages, barbarians, animals, creatures, etc. NO words can express this type of villainous behavior. The kid is out of the hospital but the man is near death for an accident. And the impulse to attack the driver was instantaneous and as a response a predator animal would have on seeing a prey animal on the Serengeti.

    1. Too bad he couldn't have pulled a trayvon on them all. And these thugs are the same ones that want equal treatment?

  5. This type of incident is not common but no so uncommon either.

    A white man for instance driving in a colored neighborhood gets in a minor scrape with another car, gets out of the car to examine the damage is mobbed and beaten severely. And beaten with relish and enjoyment too.

  6. They beat the man for a minute and then went back three other times to beat him again as he lay there. That is attempted murder.

  7. If one watches the video, one can see the negro child runs into the side of the pickup. This is why he bounces straight back.

    If he had been hit by the front of the pickup, he would have experienced massive impact, been thrown forward and died.

    The white man does not go out of his way to hit the negro "child". Instead, the negro child, obviously an adulterated negro, runs into the pickup's side.

    Clearly a preconcieved negro shakedown whitey scam of Trayvon Martin proportions.

    The problem for the negro machination starts with the negro's physically smaller, lower IQed cerebrum. For in their planning, they overlook the surveillance camera which has them in it's view.

    They were dreaming of a white payday, but now some of the negros will be singing them old "I'm going back to jail" blues.

    Who says the negro has a physically smaller, lower IQed cerebrum? Oh ya, I do.

    From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.

  8. They have a video at SBPDL of the accident, I believe from a surveillance camera at the convenience store. Some of the commenters think the kid ran into the side of the truck. They say this is a common ghetto lottery trick. I have also read that the boy came away without any broken bones and is at home.

  9. The don't snitch code is certainly in action. With no video the only chance the police have of catching the perps if is someone in the crowd has the decency to and courage to speak up.
    They also stole from him, that's going to create another layer of excuse for the black crime apologists - It couldn't be racially motivated because robbery was involved!

    Also, here are a couple of links to a knockout type game attack that happened in Charlottsville NC last January. Doesn't appear to have gotten much more than local coverage (surprise). This story does have an interesting twist to it. The attackers were black and also happened to be gay and are claiming the victim and his girlfriend were verbally assaulting them for being gay. I don't believe that though, the white man beaten severely was described as a 5' 8" 140 lb. musician - Yes, that fits the profile of the typical gay basher. My take on it is, as usual, if police and media can find any excuse to distract from the racist motivation of violent blacks (such as stealing wallets in the truck driver beating) they will focus on it, in this case a possible gay harassment angle suits their purposes perfectly. As usual, when you read these stories the comments are sometimes more revealing than the articles themselves. Jerry

  10. Do you think it was a setup? Was the boy instructed to walk into the side of the truck? The driver was known to travel the route every day at that time.

    Have you seen this before?

    David In TN

  11. The English Daily Mail did definitely say it was a WHITE man beaten and even showed the picture of the man.

    AND the kid "darted" into traffic but was not in front of the truck when hit. It appears the kid RAN into the side of the vehicle. It is not the kid getting HIT as the term HIT is understood normally.

  12. The English Daily Mail did definitely say it was a WHITE man beaten and even showed the picture of the man.

    AND the kid "darted" into traffic but was not in front of the truck when hit. It appears the kid RAN into the side of the vehicle. It is not the kid getting HIT as the term HIT is understood normally.

  13. The way they are going to get this crowd or negro morons to give up the bad guys is to shake the place up and get someone to talk or a number of persons to talk.

    Check out every car in the neighborhood parked for outstanding parking tickets, tow away the vehicles and demand cash payment or information for the return of the car.

    Stop and check out all the occupants of the neighborhood when driving over the speed limit of one mile an hour for outstanding warrants, traffic violations, courthouse summons, parole violations, etc.

    Continual pressure put on everyone until the villains are named.

  14. For David in TN.

    Probably was a set up. Someone on the porch stoop just sitting around drinking saw the whitey man at the same time each day and got the idea of how to create the goose that laid the golden egg. The insurance scam and civil suit.

    Even if they have smaller brains they can think. At least to a degree.
