Saturday, April 05, 2014

Are the Obamas Heading for a Divorce? Split Could Cripple Obama Dictatorship, Have Huge Effect on World Politics



By Nicholas Stix

On Thursday, while shopping for my babies, I noticed a National Enquirer cover on the checkout line, that trumpeted that the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” and his consort, Madame Michelle, were heading for a divorce.

Time was, the National Enquirer was good for a punchline, but that changed during the O.J. Simpson case, when the notorious tabloid proved, again and again, to be a much more reliable source than the MSM.

On January 20, 2009, I contended that the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” had no intention of ever voluntarily surrendering power. I still stand by that statement.

One method for “Obama” to retain power would have been to name Madame Michelle his successor. But if she is planning on divorcing him, that matter becomes infinitely more complicated. While it was a running joke during the Clinton presidency that supporters of Hillary Clinton expected her to divorce “the bum,” and run for President, she never left him. (Many Republicans assumed that the Clinton marriage was fake, but I never went along with that story. Hillary Clinton may or may not be a switch-hitter, but I do not doubt that she has been passionately in love with Bill for over 40 years.)

A different narrative reigns, where “blacks” are concerned. Black women do not celebrate black women crapping all over their men. If anything, influential black women promote sexual loyalty among black females, in inverse relationship to influential white women, who have for generations increasingly promoted sexual disloyalty by white females towards white men.

Regarding the "Obama" marriage specifically, I believe that, although Barack is intellectually a genocidal black supremacist, his will is weak. the fire has always come from Michelle, who is a full-blooded, murderous, Chicago black supremacist.

In any event, “Barack Obama” is unlikely to feel any desire to anoint a breakaway Madame Michelle a figurehead president—since we would refuse to be a figurehead—which would limit the options he has to maintain his dictatorship.

The “selfie” that the article below refers to is, I believe the one that “Barack Obama” took of himself and beautiful Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt during Nelson Mandela’s memorial service last year, in an incident that the American MSM covered up, but which was reported by the foreign press. Madame Michelle was outraged that her husband would flirt with a beautiful white woman, and forced him to switch seats with her, so that Michelle sat between the two heads of state.

As for the notion proposed below that Madame Michelle’s extravagant vacation to Red China is a form of revenge against John Doe, I don’t buy it. The “Obamas” have sought, since Day One, to bleed the white tax base dry. This is no different.


“Michelle Obama looks away as (L-R) British Prime Minister David Cameron, Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt and US President Barack Obama take a selfie” (N.S.: hidden Telegraph caption from the time)


Barack and Michelle Obama Divorce Looks Likely: “He’s Lost Control of His Wife”
Posted by Adam
Tuesday April 1, 2014
Show Biz Spy

BARACK and Michelle Obama are getting closer to divorce!

The couple apparently had a MAJOR blowout over Michelle’s lavish vacation trip to China!

Sources say Barack exploded when Mi¬chelle refused to cancel her pricey getaway – even after White House advisers warned him that the first couple’s six-year string of extravagant vacations had already drained the U.S. Trea¬sury of a whopping $150 million in tax¬payers’ money.

“This was a blowout of epic proportions – probably the nasti¬est White House fight they’ve ever had,” a Washington, D.C., insider told American tabloid the National Enquirer.

“They were both screaming at one another.

“The president was infuriated when advisers told him that they’d added up the costs of all their ‘vacations’ and China was putting them over the $150 million mark.

“But he’s defenseless to stop Michelle be¬cause their marriage has collapsed. She’s doing what she wants – and that’s seeing the world on the American taxpayers’ dime.

“Barack asked Michelle to postpone the trip, but she refused.

“Then, when Barack asked why she had to take her mother along, Mi¬chelle ripped into him. She screamed that he was ‘lucky’ that she hadn’t left him after that embarrassing ‘selfie,’ and then she stormed off.”

Michelle arrived in Beijing with her mother, Marian Robinson, and the Obamas’ daughters, 15-year-old Malia and Sasha, 12, on March 20 for a planned seven-day, three-city trip.

They reportedly checked into the lavish presidential suite at the Beijing Wes¬tin hotel, costing a whopping $8,350 per night. The 3,400-square-foot suite included 24-hour butler service and a steam room.

“They’re defending Michelle’s trip by calling it ‘a people-to-people exchange’ and emphasizing ‘the im¬portance that both nations place on education,’” said the source. “But the fact is Michelle specifically demanded that reporters not follow her every move.

“It’s clear to everyone at the White House that Barack has completely lost control of his wife.

“Michelle does whatever she wants and goes wherever she wants. It’s as if she’s tacked up a map of the world and put pins on all the places she wants to visit. The sad part is that taxpayers are paying for her bucket list.”


  1. Wrong. The reports long preceded April Fool's Day.

  2. So Obama or whoever the fluke is that lying Mulatto AssHole in the WH, will now come out as just another Koch Sucker?

  3. Michelle would only leave Barac, the closet homo, if she would or will, still get all the benefits her life with Barac, the anti-American Messiah gives.

    After his Presidency he will live in the lap of luxury, with SS police protection, in the paradise of Hawaii.

    Barac is a cuckold, and I think willingly. They had huge marital problems about the time Michelle got pregnant for the first time, but then they stayed together.

    In the summer of 2013, Barac made a joke about improving his daughters breed.

    The daughters do not reflect Barac's mother's chromosomal set, which by genetic law they must.

    For a man to have a daughter he must pass down his mother's X chromosomal set. The girls are too dark, too tall and have not the heart shaped face that dominates in Barac's mother's chromosomal set, as evidenced by Barac's face.

    Michelle's daughters are not genetic relatives of Stanley Ann Dunham.

    Michelle's daughters are from two negro chromosomal sets.

    From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.

  4. I seriously doubt any of you have any affiliation with "White House" insiders. These reports come out about almost every President. He wss ELECTED to office. He's the President. Get over it.
