Friday, April 04, 2014

David Letterman is Retiring from CBS: David Who?


A once-brilliant broadcaster degenerated into an “Obama” sycophant

By Nicholas Stix


  1. They say the first to abandon a sinking ship is the rats.

    As Obamas time begins to wane and the sunset of his administration draws near, his older liberal shills must get out while the getting is good.

    David should have passed with his bad ticker years ago. However, he was given a second chance, and chose to further the liberal ideology cause instead of maturing up and lending the much needed help to the cause of saving the white gene pool/race.

    He undoubtedly sees himself as a nobly courageous individual doing the faith of liberalisms work.

    Nobody can reproach him. A saint.

    So now as white numbers becomes the lowest number of the big 3 races, where forth is his nobility or his noble courage?

    Perhaps only his proctologist knows for sure.

    From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.
