Friday, April 04, 2014

Common Core Bandit-Lobbyists

By Nicholas Stix

Michelle Malkin is lousy at dealing with anything regarding race, but when it comes to governmental corruption, she’s usually excellent. This is no exception, as her new column is a piece of investigative reporting on Common Core scamsters sucking hundreds of millions (billions?) of dollars out of taxpayers’ wallets. The only part where I’m not sure I agree with Malkin, is testing. The arguments I’ve so far heard against Common Core’s testing regimen have been the same tired, Marxist, test-bashing talking points I’ve heard at least since I became a father, long before Common Core was introduced, except that now the purported libertarians are mindlessly echoing the Marxists.

“Pushing Back Against PARCC/Achieve Inc. Education Lobbyists,” by Michelle Malkin.

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