Friday, April 04, 2014

Publishers Weekly Does Its Part to Revive the Duke Rape Hoax

At the time of her race-rape hoax, Crystal Gail Mangum was a prostitute and stripper. She later graduated to murdering her boyfriend, for which crime she was convicted, and is presently in prison.

Crooked, then-Durham DA Mike Nifong, in 2006. Nifong lost his job, was disbarred, and was incarcerated for one night, due to his crimes in promoting one of the most notorious rape hoaxes in American history.

[Previously, on this travesty: “Nicholas Stix’ Absolutely Definitive Account of the Incredible Disappearing Duke Rape Hoax.”]

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Note that William D. Cohan presents rape hoaxer Crystal Gail Mangum and crooked DA Mike Nifong as the victims of the piece. Note, too that the publishing world, like the media—including revew outfits like Publishers Weekly, is dominated by feminists and other racial socialists who desperately wanted to railroad the Duke Three, and who still seek to rewrite the history of the case.

The Price of Silence: The Duke Lacrosse Scandal, the Power of the Elite, and the Corruption of Our Great Universities
William D. Cohan. Scribner, $30 (688p) ISBN 978-1-4516-8179-6

[Review by Anonymous Feminist]
Publishers Weekly

Top-notch investigative journalism [?!] defines this examination of “one of the most improbable legal sagas in American history,” by journalist Cohan (Money and Power). According to Cohan, the 2006 indictment of three of the university’s lacrosse players on charges of sexual assault “served as a lightning rod... for complex issues of race, sex, violence, privilege and elitism that had been simmering at Duke for decades.” Cohan’s meticulous account utilizes commentary, court records, and interviews to tell a story of “legal hijinks and media histrionics” and their devastating results. [Cohan is asserting that the defense attorneys, not rogue DA Mike Nifong engaged in “legal hijinks”!] With chilling clarity, Cohan traces how public opinion, initially buoyed by negative media reports, first accused the players of maintaining a “wall of silence” and then turned against the alleged victim and the zealous Durham district attorney. [The public did no such thing; New York Times “reporter” Selana Roberts did the accusing.] Cohan perceptively plumbs the festering tensions of “racism, sexism, misogyny, alcohol culture, paternalism, economic exploitation, athlete impunity” and perceptions of Duke’s “entitlement and privilege.” What emerges is not just an edge-of-your-seat courtroom drama [this suggests there was a trial, when there was none] and a cautionary tale, but also an illuminating fable about the power of status, talent, authority, and belief. Throughout, Cohan’s spare prose and objective tone cast his subjects in a humane light, even when their behavior is stunning. This weighty tome will no doubt prove the definitive account of the case. [Not bloody likely.] Agent: Joy Harris, Joy Harris Literary Agency. (Apr.)

Reviewed on: 02/24/2014
Release date: 04/08/2014


  1. The negress is an abomination to humanity, but a credit to her gene pool/race.

    Mike Nifong is a white liberal and white apostate to his own gene pool/race. He is lower than the belly of a snake.

    He is an abomination to life, a sycophant to liberal ideology, who because white liberal ideology promotes his very behavior, feared not the opprobrium and shunning for pursuing such a nefarious act.

    Both of these two, negress and white liberal, should be made an example of.

    From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.

  2. I have looked at the pages available for free on Amazon. William Cohan regurgitates the same lies we were hearing at this time eight years ago and calls it "new research." This book was written in order to plant the notion "something happened to that girl in the bathroom," and "rich elites" covered it up.

    Cohan interviewed Nifong and Mangum (in jail) and quotes them without challenge. Both have dredged up new lies for the book in addition to the old ones.

    BTW, I have ordered the book, maybe I have a masochistic streak. This way I will have it before me when I need to refute it.

    KC Johnson has written at his site that he has reviewed the book for Commentary magazine and will discuss at Durham Wonderland this coming week.

    David In TN

  3. Dear David,

    Write a review, so I can publish it here! I'll send it to Peter Brimelow, as well.

    God only knows how he padded it out to 650 pages.

  4. I'll try to have a review in a week or so.

    David In TN

  5. I just sent you the promised review. Edit (improve) it any way you want.

    David In TN
