Friday, April 04, 2014

Jonathan Pollard



By Nicholas Stix

Every ten years or so, in response to ridiculous calls for clemency for convicted traitor Jonathan Pollard, I make a brief statement, which is already more words than he deserves. I’ve always maintained that Pollard should have been executed, and have never seen any reason to revise my judgment.

“Jonathan Pollard, All-Around Terrible Person” (warning: relies on Wikipedia).


  1. This whole case of Pollard and the Israeli government calling for the release of the man has now gone full circle.

    It used to be that the Israeli wanted Pollard released as a condition for their cooperation with U.S. brokered peace talks.

    NOW the U.S. is offering the release of the man in return for Israeli further cooperation at U.S. brokered peace talks.

  2. Jay shopped around for a job as an intelligence officer and analyst. He wanted to find an agency that DID NOT administer the polygraph exam. He did find one.

    That suggests to me he some sort of thing to hide BEFORE he began giving away secrets. Or selling them. He is reputed to have been a coke head and paid for his habit that way. Selling secrets.

  3. Jay was not upper class but close to it. Came from a distinguished family and himself had an almost upper class background, graduated from the finest institutions, etc. Hard to figure out where the man went bad and why, but he did.

  4. Jay supposedly gave away the patrol areas of American nuclear missile firing submarines. That was a secret that had no bearing on anything the Israeli would have been interested in.

    Jay was searching and hunting for more and more and better and better stuff to give the Israeli and doing a good job of doing so.

  5. The saddest issue here is the complete lack of any concern by the Obama Administration for anything except its reputation with the elite.

    He is considering releasing a traitor to Israel in return for Israel letting go a bunch of Arab terrorists - we do something treasonous and stupid in order to get them to do something treasonous and stupid; something that does not benefit us one iota.

    It's not like Obama wants to trade Pollard in return for getting back some Americans; he's doing it in order to get Israel to release people who, let's be honest, we would probably all be better off if they were executed.

    The only reason for this is to pay homage to the idol of the peace talks; Pollard is the price for a Powerball ticket where the grand prize is being able to say that Obama's administration finally brought Israeli-Palestinian* peace - only he'd have more of a chance of winning the Powerball jackpot.

    *I specify "Palestinian" rather than "Arab" because even if peace were somehow to be negotiated, it would only be peace between Israel and the small number of Arabs who self-identify as Palestinians. The wider Arab world would still hate Israel.

  6. Jay has a bad attitude toward everyone in life that makes him hardly like-able in any manner.

    I seen him interviewed on "Sixty Minutes" and they did have counter-intelligence officers listening in the whole time in case Jay blurted out some secret.

    And of course Jay did blurt out some secrets just for spite and the whole film crew had to be briefed and sign documents not to reveal the secrets, etc.
