Monday, June 10, 2013

“Comprehensive Immigration Reform”=Not Just the Displacement, but the Extinction, of White America (My New, VDARE Column is Up!)

By Nicholas Stix


In the Stanley Kramer movie On the Beach, long lines snake through the streets of Australian cities, as Aussies wait for their government-provided cyanide tablets.


A nuclear holocaust pitting America against Communist Russia has wiped out the antagonists, and created nuclear fallout that has wiped out the rest of the world. Soon it will reach Down Under, and the choice is between a quick suicide and an agonizing death by radiation poisoning.


And so it is with America's historic people. If the illegal human being amnesty/immigration surge bill passes, it will be a death warrant for millions of white Americans. Will the Obama Administration offer cyanide tablets to native-born whites, whom it will have condemned to unemployability?


Not bloody likely. When the John Doe calling himself "Barack Obama" speaks of "sensitivity," he does not have white Americans in mind.


It was white Americans who beat Hitler and Tojo in The War, who created the greatest economic powerhouse the world had ever seen, and the greatest nation of modern, and possibly of all time, a nation that billions still look to as a living ideal. And yet, to listen to the Open Borders Lobby, Left and Right alike, white Americans can't do anything right.


The past 40 years of American labor history can be reduced to two phrases: "White American workers stink," and "More people, fewer jobs."


The average American IQs are white: 100, black: 78-85, and Hispanic: 89. Virtually all of America's wealth throughout her existence—including slavery—has been created by whites. Psychometricians say "Life is an IQ test," and that even menial jobs are done better and more diligently by people with higher IQs. But the open border lobby promotes a cult of stupidity, as long as los stupiditos aren't white, while affirmative action turns ability, qualifications, and diligence upside down. Our ruling elites promote as the best possible future, one in which the typical "American" is a sub-Saharan African with an IQ of 67-70, who seeks to sexually enslave white American girls, who ultimately will cheerfully commit female genital mutilation against his daughters and honor killings against female relatives who have already been raped, is a member of a local gang in the U.S. that victimizes whites, when he isn't commuting to Africa, to wage jihad.


I have been accused of having an apocalyptic imagination. After all, it couldn't happen here, just as it couldn't happen in Germany, South Africa, or Zimbabwe.


[Read the column here.]

1 comment:

jeigheff said...

Your thoughts are very sobering.

I read your VDare column this morning, and it has stayed with me all day. I am grieved that evil people want to destroy this country, and that they have won as many battles as they have. I pray that they don't win this one.