Sunday, September 22, 2024

"monster": "people magazine draws attention to dusky teen killer"; in 2013, he twice raped and murdered his math teacher; eight months later, while in custody, he tried to do the same thing to a female jail guard (why do we have female guardds?)

War crime victim Colleen Ritzer

By "W"
saturday, september 21, 2024 at 07:42:22 p.m. edt

I find it odd that people is drawing our attention to a dusky guy who raped and murdered his White math teacher, Colleen Ritzer, when he was 14 and tried to kill another female: includes pix of his teacher

Rapist-murderer Philip Chism in court in 2015. Although his White defense attorneys played the crazy card for him, and did him up with phony eyeglasses, in order to make him seem intelligent and thoughtful, the jury still convicted him of raping and murdering Colleen Ritzer.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe they thought he was White--or are trying to pass him off as White.

