Wednesday, June 26, 2024

racist, criminal, bLACK low-life—pardon my redundancy!—Jamaal Bowman (zanu-pf, hamas sympathizer), voted out of office in ny primary tuesday

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, june 26, 2024 at 12:05:00 p.m. edt

“(Breitbart) rep. Jamaal Bowman’s (d-ny) career in congress will end after a single term, following a series of anti-Semitic controversies and a capitol stunt resulting in his criminal conviction.

“westchester county executive George Latimer defeated Bowman tuesday night in the most expensive house race in history. adimpact estimated the two camps spent a total of $23 million on the [zanu-pf] democrat primary, according to filings compiled by opensecrets.

“the race was called for Latimer less than a half hour after polls closed.

“the primary in new york’s 16th congressional district centered around a referendum on Israel-“palestinian” policy and drew significant national attention. Bowman, the progressive former middle school principal and member of ‘the squad,’ represented the insurgent hamas sympathizer wing of the [zanu- pf] democrat party, while Latimer, supported by the pro-Israel lobby, condemned hamas’s attack on Israel.

“Bowman opposes Israel’s [self-defense] military operations in gaza, while Latimer has not called for a ceasefire but supports a two-state solution. “additionally, Bowman had denied hamas raped women during the october 7, 2023, terrorist attack on Israel (he apologized under immense political pressure) and ridiculed another house member for hosting Jewish leaders, among other instances, which drew accusations of anti-Semitism.

“those were not the only controversies to overwhelm Bowman.

“Jamaal Bowman pleaded guilty in october 2023 to one misdemeanor for falsely pulling a fire alarm in a congressional office building a month prior, just as lawmakers were about to vote on a short-term government funding measure to avoid a government shutdown.”



  1. It's ALWAYS a positive to remove a coon from any elective office.


  2. OH glory. Thank you JESUS. Man was a spectacle and an outrage. Glad he is gone. Hopefully forever.
