Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Incriminating, three-minute-long video of Hillary "Killer" Clinton that Zanu-PF has sought to suppress

Re-posted by N.S.


  1. Clinton lies, lies, lies--just like Joe Biden. Note that CNN says they will not fact check Trump DURING the debate--but they will fact check him during the analysis. No mention of fact checking Biden whose lies are legendary--about the gas prices, inflation, his cannibal-eaten relative, etc., etc. Why do Republicans agree to debate on leftist propaganda sites like CNN?

  2. Now who would you rather turn the lights off with--her,or Jennifer Flowers?


  3. They offer these persons a secure computer for their own use. She said they were not marked as classified. But the info was determined to be classified.

    I guess the idea is that she will be given a pass because she did NOT INTENTIONALLY misbehave.

    You can reasonable assume EVERYTHING on that computer compromised. These hackers have their ways.
