Friday, September 15, 2023

Was Shirley Temple black? google Mischief (Photos)

By N.S.

When I was a little boy, I had to watch Shirley Temple movies every weekend on one of the local channels. I have no negative memories of that. Actually, I have very few memories from that age, when I was about five, one way or the other, unlike with Annie Oakley, whose show I was forced to watch in re-runs, because my big sister insisted on watching it. Big Sis didn’t appreciate the gun part—she grew up to be a feminist and rabid gun-grabber—but only liked that Annie was a girl.

I have much more vivid memories of Shirley as the beautiful, bodacious, and very tastefully dressed Mrs. Shirley Temple Black, who had something to do with foreign affairs. Later, I appreciated her as the teenaged “Thursday,” named after her martinet, dishonorable father, Lt. Col. Owen Thursday (Henry Fonda) in Ford’s Fort Apache (1948).

(Back then, she was married, albeit briefly, to John Agar, the juvenile who played the young lieutenant who fell in love, and won her hand. There was an important subplot to that romance. Young Second Lt. Michael Shannon O’Rourke was the son of Sergeant Major Michael O’Rourke (Ward Bond), and Lt. Col. Thursday was a firm believer in caste. Thus, although Lt. O’Rourke was an officer, in Col. Thursday’s eyes, he was still just a sergeant’s son, and so the chicken colonel sought to kill the romance in ways unsuited to an officer and a gentleman. That was just one aspect in which the elder Thursday was unfit to be an officer and a gentleman. An anonymous capsule movie reviewer at Newsday insinuated that Thursday was based on Gen. George Armstrong Custer (1839-1976), but the movie character bore no resemblance to the man whom the Arikara indians dubbed “the Son of the Morning Star” that I could see. The Blackfoot indians named Shirley Bright Shining Star.)

Shirley’s 1945 marriage to John Agar, after a fairytale romance, met an ugly end. It officially ended in divorce on December 5, 1950, after five years, but it was dead long before that. She married her second husband, Charlie Black, 11 days later, and they remained together until his death, over 52 years, two children, and several grandchildren later.

The end between Shirley and John (1921-2002) was so ugly that the Hollywood community destroyed him, forcing him to appear in C-grade science fiction movies, and she let Charlie Black adopt Agar’s daughter, Linda Susan Agar, and change her family name to Black.

Over 21 years after John Agar’s death, evil spirits are still punishing him! Although he probably received sixth billing in Fort Apache, imdb has reduced him to 21st billing, after perennial bit player Hank Worden!

When Shirley died—just Shirley, since she was a member of every American family, just as sure as “John-John” was (and they were both class acts, to the death!), I learned that it had for many years been her job, as Chief of Protocol, to teach carriage and etiquette to every member of the Foreign Service. Thus, she was as important to America in her quiet, post-Hollywood life as she had been when she was the world’s biggest movie star.

According to Quigley’s, she was the world’s biggest star in 1935, 1936, 1937 and 1938. In 1934, she’d been #8, and in 1939, she was #5.

Long after her retirement from pictures, she served as ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia.

But what I hadn’t known was that Shirley was black! Oh, I don’t mean her second married name.

Just look at her!

Recently, I viewed the wartime classic, Since You Went Away (1944), and checked out the cast at google. google presented the photograph just below as the picture of her, even though that image was of her much older than in the picture, where she played a girl of about 12 (even though she was 15 at the time).

Think I’m imagining things? Take a look at a couple of other pictures of her.

Somebody at google (or imdb) darkened our Shirley.

Likely, the same person moved black extras like Dorothy Dandridge, who was only visible for about two seconds, way up in the cast.

Seven years ago, my old VDARE colleague, Steve Sailer, exposed google’s campaign to darken “America” and propel the White Genocidal Project, by eliminating great White American inventors and scientists, and replacing them with blacks, and even darkening the visage of at least one great White American inventor (Alexander Graham Bell), to make him appear to have been black.

No Wright Brothers. Except for Edison, according to google, all of America’s greatest inventors were either black, or appeared to have been black.

google cited as America’s third-greatest inventor George Washington Carver. You know how many inventions George Washington Carver created? Try, zero. Discoveries? Ditto. He was an early affirmative action fairy tale.


  1. GRA:All I could think of with the niggerization of White historical figures was what I posted back in March,when Mel Brooks allowed blacks to portray various White "characters" in his "History of the World part 2".

    tuesday, march 7, 2023 at 8:02:00 p.m. est

    Making appearances in History II are black Jesus and black Alexander Graham Bell—which IS funny—because there’s no way that blacks could have COME CLOSE to inventing the telephone without a White person telling them how to actually do it.

    For his next movie—at age 100, Brooks will expand on that ludicrous idea and have an all-black cast for the tentatively titled, “I ALMOST Invented DAT”—to where Thomass Edddison, Ben Frankline, the Write Brothers, Sambo Morse and many other black “inventors” discuss and re-enact the circumstances of how the light bulb, bi-focals, airplane flight and the telegraph were ALMOST created—BY BLACKS—with the ideas then stolen by Whites like Thomas Edison, Ben Franklin, the Wright Brothers and Samuel Morse.

    GRA(today):The transitional phases are coloring White faces and change the spelling of the inventor's names until you have Jacquarious Graham Bell inventing the phone(picture of him with an afro.)

    And the black lie is completed.


  2. Ended up as Ambassador to Czechoslovakia.

  3. The Myth of Black Invention. They had a disinterested party examine the claims of Black Invention.

    This man concluded that whoever compiled the list of Black Invention did not understand that an improvement to an invention is not the same as the invention and patent of the basic object itself. So Carrier did invent the AC unit. Some negro DID invent an improvement to the AC unit but just that, an improvement and nothing more.

    Same with the ironing board. Some whitey guy invented the ironing board and patented it first. Some negro came along and invented and improvement to the ironing board but nothing more than an improvement.

    Believe what you want to believe I guess, whether wrong or not seems to be without meaning anymore.

    This is across the board for all objects included in the Myth of Black Invention.

  4. John Agar was, by all accounts, a genuinely nice guy- EXCEPT when he drank, which was unfortunately quite often. A literal Jekyll and Hyde. He claimed he got the habit from partying with Ford's hard-drinking crew- Wayne, Ward Bond, et al. I always liked him- and not ALL those B-movies he made were terrible. -RM

  5. I think George Washington Carver is credited with inventing more practical peanut butter--which revolutionized modern life.
