Friday, September 15, 2023

It’s a black thing, you wouldn’t understand”: black parents took their 4-year-old to an incompetent, negligent black dentist, which resulted in the parents winning the ghetto lottery! And you won’t believe the numbers!

[“This week in ‘Ah Sheit Dassum Boolsheit,’ Houston medicaid dentist Bethaniel Jefferson was convicted of recklessly causing bodily injury to a child today”; and

“The Real World of Affirmative Action.”]

By Anonymous
thursday, september 14, 2023 at 4:07:00 a.m. edt

“4-year-old Nevaeh Hall”

The niglet, err child, was four at the time, so she did not have permanent teeth yet. What sort of dental work needing anesthesia was necessary on the baby teeth of four-year-old?

Ghetto lottery:

“during treatment of decayed teeth”

I get that the dumb black negress pretending to be a dentist (where did she go to dental school?) was negligent, but then dumb blacks are not known for competence. But it seems the biological entities pretending to be “parents” were also negligent in allowing the baby teeth of a four-year-old to decay so badly she needed treatment.

N.S.: It’s that magical, affirmative action combination of incompetence and negligence.

blacks insist that their intellectually unqualified, morally unfit brethren be admitted to overpriced, private universities (OPUs) and “public ivies,” given inflated grades, passed on exams, given fraudulent undergraduate degrees, admitted to professional schools, again given inflated grades and passed on exams, given fraudulent professional degrees, and duly licensed as doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc. They want their own people taking care of them. And this is what they get.

Meanwhile, black aa dentist Bethaniel Jefferson received no punishment for her misconduct. Some commenters suggested that Jefferson had given little, 4-year-old Nevaeh Hall unnecessary “treatment,” in order to jack up her bill, but the jury at her criminal trial let her off with five years of “probation.”

1 comment:

  1. My old time dentist in Chicago worked for the Chicago Board of Education free dental clinic. He said it was very dissatisfying work. Kids 11 or 12 years old come into the clinic every day with a mouth full of rotten teef. The dentist all he do is pull every toof and give the kid a set of detures. Never seen a dentist ever or even knew what a toof brush was.
