Saturday, September 30, 2023

"texas man" seeks to shake down mortuary service for dropping his father's corpse!

saturday, september 30, 2023 at 08:45:29 p.m. edt

"'plaintiff William Mejia rushed down the stairs after seeing his deceased father's body lying on the cement sidewalk of the public courtyard," the lawsuit said. 'plaintiff William Mejia frantically covered his father's body by hugging it in an attempt to..."

N.S.: What? Bring the old man back to life?!

"a texas [sic] family is seeking monetary relief over $1 million after a Houston mortuary service allegedly dropped their deceased relative's remains, [allegedly] resulting in visible denting observed during the relative's wake.

You might be a mexican...

1 comment:

  1. I can't think of a damn thing to say about this one,lol.
    Maybe play "Slip Away" by Clarence Carter?
