Thursday, September 21, 2023

On the Uglification of the World

By N.S.


  1. Yes,rap is ugly music and classical is beautiful.

    "Aggressive minorities are imposing their ideology on the rest of us and no one is doing anything about it."

    Taki's a good writer too--but I've been saying the same thing for years.Why are Whites allowing the country to disintegrate into niggerdom?

    Ignore the constant threat of the DoJ,fbi,cia smashing White organized protest,if we decided to stop this descent into Africa that is being pushed on us,no one could stop us.But as the demographics keep slipping away,so do our chances to rectify the situation.

    Time is as important as the will to do it.


  2. I posted this on Breitbart a while ago, which is like someone throwing a pebble into a bottomless well and waiting for a splash, so I might as well re-post it here (this was in response to someone who said I had "a closed mind" because I called rap "garbage," and said I should listen to some White rapper who supposedly was "anti-woke"): "Well, I looked him up, but I'm not going to listen to him. He may be 'anti-woke,' but as someone once said, 'The medium is the message,' and rap can not by definition be anything other than nihilistic trash. No singing, no rhythm, no melody, no harmony, no one playing a musical instrument, just someone shouting out rhyme to an eardrum-crushing, repetitive mechanical drumbeat. Looking at him, I might assume he's also got the sneering, posturing mannerisms of the genre as well. If someone wants to deliver a positive message, rap is not the way to do it, but it seems nothing else is allowed any more..." -RM


    GRA:Who did HE doublecross to get indicted?Was Biden supposed to get 10%?This is how these bastards become millionaires as our reps.

    (zh)Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) has been indicted in New York for allegedly accepting bribes in the form of gold bars, according to federal prosecutors.

    The bars, which were valued at approximately $400,000, were allegedly given to him by a developer and former bank chairman, Fred Daibes, a felon who was facing federal bank charges. Daibes allegedly bribed Mendez in exchange for assistance in his case.

    Instead of facing over 10 years in prison, Daibes only ended up serving probation after striking an agreement with the US Attorney's Office in New Jersey.

    "For purposes of the Federal Extortion Act, it makes no difference if the senator took an official act so long as he accepted the money and there was knowledge the money was in exchange for that official influence, even if he never carried out what he had promised he would do," according to NBC Legal Analyst Danny Cevallos.

    Menendez disclosed that his family had accepted gold bars in 2020. Daibes encountered bank fraud charges that could have netted him up to a decade in prison for lying about a nearly $2 million loan from Mariner's Bank, where Daibes served as chairman.

    Last year, however, New Jersey's U.S. Attorney's Office agreed to let Daibes plead guilty to one count and serve probation. They said Daibes had repaid the loan. -Fox News

    According to the report, Menendez is 'close' with US Attorney Philip Sellinger - having supported him for the position, while Sellinger had previously raised funds for Menendez's campaign.

    Officials are also looking at whether Menendez, the former Chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, or his wife, had improperly received gifts from a New Jersey food processor who obtained an exclusive contract with the Egyptian government to certify halal food experts around the world.

    Egyptian officials and the New Jersey businessman who received the contract were hosted by Menendez in his office in 2018, according to the Wall Street Journal. A year later, the businessman became the "sole certifier of halal meat exported from the U.S. to Egypt," the outlet noted.

    NBC News 4 said the gifts included the usage of a Mercedes and a luxury Washington, D.C., apartment. Investigators are attempting to resolve if Menendez, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, used his standing to help the man secure the contract. -Fox News

    According to the indictment, Menendez provided 'sensitive US Government information to Egypt.'

    GRA:The cockroach theory says he's not the only crook in the Senate--we know that--so what happened to instigate an indictment?


  4. Notre Dame black football coach--I root against you now.

    When I was growing up in the early 70s,the Chicago Bears were my favorite team in pro football,the Bulls in the NBA and the White Sox in baseball,though I was born in Michigan.My college team was Notre Dame in both football and basketball,though UCLA was absolutely a legendary ncaa team that I also followed.Theisman,Montana were the qbs I admired and when Notre Dame broke UCLA's 88 game winning streak,it was a memorable piece of tv viewing--I loved watching sports as a kid.

    I believe Lindsey Nelson and Paul Hornung called football games on the mutual broadcasting radio network(a guess)--a great broadcast team.

    I've always checked out what kind of team N.D. was like every year,though my fervency lessened as I got older.This year it ended.Notre Dame has a black football coach--AGAIN.

    Back when Tyrone Willingham became the first black coach in 2002,I wasn't paying much attention,but then in 2013, Brian Kelly,a local Grand Valley boy made good,worked his way to the job of Notre Dame's top football coach and I was interested again.Last year,Kelly quit to coach LSU and Notre Dame decided to hire another negro coach--I didn't even realize it until tonight.

    Marcus Freeman is his name--and he doesn't look a bit Irish to me.They play Ohio State this evening and for the first time ever,I'm rooting for the "Irish" negroes" to lose.


  5. OSU 17 ND 14 FINAL

    I haven't watched a complete college game in years.It was good to see two White,dropback quarterbacks play against each other.It was almost like the old days--and the best part--the blackie LOST.


