Thursday, September 21, 2023

new york city has taken in 95,000 new illegal aliens in 2023 — more than twice as many as la, miami, Houston; ny post publisher Lachlan Murdoch and editor-in-chief Keith Poole have shut down commenting, so as to shut up their reader-critics

By N.S.
"new york city has taken in 95,000 migrants in 2023 — more than twice as many as la, miami, Houston

"the city has taken in more than twice as many migrants as locations in texas, california and florida since title 42 was lifted in may."

"new york city continues to bear the brunt of the nation’s migrant crisis [sic] and has admitted 95,000 migrants so far in 2023."

There is no "migrant crisis," and no "migrants." They're illegal aliens, who are here due to illegal "president" Joe Biden's illegal, unconstitutional (i.e., treasonous) open borders policy. How can you call a policy a "crisis"? Words then have no meaning.


  1. Where will they be on New Years Eve,I wonder.


  2. Out and about, raping girls, just like the moslem rapefugees did in Köln (Cologne).

  3. With no arrests for any of it.


  4. All the good people of NYC have to just take one of them into their home to live with them. Surely that can be done. NYC is very liberal.

  5. If you want to solve a problem, first you have to diagnose and understand it correctly.

    They're not "illegals", they're asylum seekers. This is a completely different area of law, it's not immigration law, it's more or less an issue of international law, with lots of precedent, one that in some ways supercedes national (immigration) law.

    "With no arrests for any of it."

    Nothing the Biden administration is doing is illegal, and no court would find that it is illegal. The Biden admin has considerable freedom in how to handle people who've applied for asylum.

    In fact, it would be illegal, a violation of US obligations under refugee treaties that it has signed, were people to be turned away and their asylum app ignored. And pretty much every court in the US would find that behavior illegal.

    With the current legal framework, the way to solve this is to have a safe third country agreement with Mexico. The US has one with Canada. Third country migrants cannot enter the US from Canada and apply for asylum in the US. They have to apply in Canada. The same would be true of migrants at the southern border if the US had a safe third country agreement with Mexico: they would have to apply in Mexico.

    Canada-US Safe Third Country Agreement

    Trump should have forced Mexico (via taxes on remittances, tariffs on goods made in Mexico, etc) to sign a safe third country agreement. The subject came up:

    Mexico writes off "safe third country" deal with U.S., citing drop in border crossings

    Either that or you need a leader like Orban who ignores EU court decisions and does what's best for his country: Hungary does not take in many asylum seekers, and refuses to take part in EU migrant distribution schemes. Ireland, with a homosexual racial alien as leader of its government, does not refuse and is being demographically destroyed today.

    Today there is simply too little competence, will to get things done, honesty, and intelligence on the political Right in the West, including and especially in the US. They are not an effective opposition, and they are not effective when they are in power.

    The US needs the equivalent of the AfD, but that does not look likely.

    1. I meant "no one will be arrested" for rape on new year's eve."Asylum seekers" get a free felony or two before we crack down--usually after the "seekers" murder someone.


  6. jerry pdx
    Remember, somewhere in the range of 70-80K of them are young men.

  7. "Remember, somewhere in the range of 70-80K of them are young men."

    Correct. A very volatile situation. Maybe they will bring in hookers from Mex to service them. Service rendered.
