Friday, September 15, 2023

Destroying canada's Farms, for What?

By N.S.


  1. Starvation of the masses?Inflationary spiral,followed by riots and martial law?My best guess.


  2. Yup--expensive food, gas, cars, shortage of electricity, low-paying jobs will make people helpless dependents on whatever the government wants to give. "You will own nothing and be happy." Or own nothing and be desperate.

  3. “My competitors to the south of me in the United States do not pay that [carbon] tax, so now my cost goes up and I have no alternative,”

    USA too no alternative too I would surmise.

    I think this is all like it is with Holland. No nitrogen to fertilize the crops. Lower crop yields, lower prices for the farmer but higher prices for everyone else. Farmers go out of business and farm land left fallow.
