Friday, September 15, 2023

Shep Melnick – "The Crucible of Desegregation"/Race & Sex in School (Video)

By N.S.

"Segregation in Education" | Glenn Loury & Shep Melnick | The Glenn Show



    Glenn Loury:Welcome back to the podcast everyone,My guest today is negro John McWhorter--and in the short time we were taking a break,John and I accumulated many items from you guilt ridden White listeners,who feel the need to compensate us for our advice to you when encountering situations involving blacks--and how Whites SHOULD behave.Who else to ask--but US?I especially liked the riding lawn mower and John thought the refrigerator/freezer will come in handy in his basement.Ready for more calls--and gifts,John?


    Loury:Hello,Whitey--tell it to Glenn.

    White caller:Glenn,I'm sure you've heard this before,but a black family just moved in to the house next door via Section 8.The rap music has been blasting at all hours of the day and night ever since.How can I get used to it--like blacks do?

    Loury:Under no circumstances should you contact police or complain to the new,black neighbors--face to face.Have you considered adding sound reducing material to your house?Otherwise,selling your house at a loss is your only other option.John?

    McWhorter:My ideas exactly--and thanks for the $500 gift cards,Whitey,

    Loury:Yes--we like gift cards on "Tell it to Glenn,Whitey".Say John.


    Loury:It's time to bring up a new topic and we have a White man,a Mister Skip Melnick...

    Melnick:That's Shep,Glenn.

    Loury:Skip has written a few books that appear to argue against--as HE says--integrated schools as a solution to the black inability to learn.

    Skip:Will I be receiving gifts from your audience?



    Loury(holding up a mirror):Skip,do you look like me and John?There's your answer.And you know what?All that time you wasted just now asking about gifts,well we don't have time to interview you about your books and discuss black education-and I was going to mention the book titles too.Can't now.That's it for today,see you next time on "Tell it to Glenn,Whitey."


    1. This is a parody of the show,btw,but not too far-fetched a direction for it to go

