Saturday, November 26, 2022

racist black woman in search of a ghetto lottery wanted a lawsuit, so she refused to cooperate with White policeman, and forced him to tase and arrest her (video)

Re-posted by N.S.

The players:

black female: Tawanda Crowell

White jacksonville sheriff's officer: Kevin Munger

Since watching this video, and reading dozens of comments, it has come to my attention that Tawanda Crowell was represented by Benjamin Crump, of Luciferian Law. It is a matter of the strictest principle for Benjamin Crump, to only take on cases which lack any justifiable basis. Crump has never been been known to tell the truth in his entire professional life.

bodycam shows florida police tasing woman accused of stealing from publix

She wanted a lawsuit, a big, black shakedown. It may not have been her first, and it surely won’t be her last. Imagine what story she would have made up, if he hadn’t been wearing a bodycam. She should have gone to jail. Chalk it up as yet another free black crime.

5,795,862 views Jul 7, 2022

“Bodycam video shows a police officer tasing a woman who was accused of stealing from a publix grocery store in jacksonville, florida on february 4, 2020. an [black] employee called the police saying they believed that the woman stole from the grocery store. upon arrival, the woman told the officer that she had a receipt but refused to show him and accused employees of racially profiling her. after questioning the woman multiple times, the officer stated he was going to arrest and tase her, which he did shortly after. following her arrest, the officer found the receipt that proved she rightfully purchased the goods. the woman later sued publix for $50,000 in damages. the case was dismissed with prejudice by a duval county florida judge in december 2021.”

3 months ago

After watching all these videos, I have learned one thing. Clapping your hands and yelling over cops ALWAYS makes the situation better.

6 days ago

“Why should she make his crime against her easier? HE has the burden of proof, not her.”

N.S.: @bear3663 Stop lying. “The burden of proof” is for the courtroom, not for a lawful stop.

1 day ago

“Why should we have to prove our innocence when men died in wars, real violent wars with real deaths and real blood shed to ensure our rights to be innocent until proven guilty? It may seem trivial to certain minded people currently until it starts to infringe on their rights. Everything starts small then grows out of hand. One tiny right at a time will be taken until we have none left.”

​N.S.:  @mistyevans8160  Stop lying about the law. “Innocent until proven guilty” is for the courtroom, not for a lawful police stop. Your drama queen act does not make your lies any truer.


  1. Wonder what happened--the vid was from 2020--right?Very minor,either way.But the blacks will push the buttons won't they?


  2. Did all the crap with kids in the back seat of her car? Wonderous. Such a fine example for the chirrens.

  3. I was glad to see this obnoxious be itch get tazed. A new video channel, TAZ-TV, would make someone rich. It is satisfying to see these horrible people get it. When these scamsters lose their lawsuits, they should get tazed on their fat butts right there in the courtroom on TV.
