Tuesday, September 20, 2022

township and campus police declare michigan’s grand valley state university a free-fire zone for black cut-throats: four shot at grand valley campus apartments—second shooting in a month; White students complain university is “doing nothing” about (the black violence)

[Previously: “scooter-riding nyc gunmen shoot four people, 1 fatally, in broad daylight.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, september 19, 2022 at 12:08:00 p.m. edt

“allendale township, mich. (wood) — It was a scary morning for those who live in canvas townhomes, a student housing complex near grand valley state university, as they were celebrating family weekend.

“‘We turned the lights off. Locked the doors,’ Brendan Butterfield said.

“four people were injured [sic] in a shooting that happened outside of one of the apartment buildings early sunday morning.

“the sounds of gunfire happened just outside where roommates Brendan Butterfield and Joe Ernest have been living for four weeks.

“‘We were inside and Noah here was playing ‘Zombies’ and we thought at first it was his game,’ Butterfield said.

“‘Yeah, I came upstairs to get a juice box and was walking by the door and I just heard … six or seven shots. I wasn’t counting. After that I ran over there to tell them to quiet the game down and then we stayed there for a minute and we heard some more,’ Ernest added.

“4 hurt [sic], including 2 gvsu students, in allendale twp. shooting

“The residents, who are mostly gvsu students, say there were multiple parties happening saturday night into sunday morning. according to residents and visitors of the complex, there were about 50 to 60 people who had gathered for the party where the shooting took place.

“‘a fight happened prior to the shooting and that had the cops show up. (local security) was there for that as well. … an hour or so later, another fight broke out which escalated into a shooting,’ Ernest said.

“Two of the people that were shot were gvsu students.

“bullet holes could be seen outside one of the townhomes on sunday afternoon. several cars were also damaged.

“‘It’s disheartening. It’s not a good sign to start off with. We’ll see how the rest of the year goes,’ Ernest said. ‘We’re iffy on whether or not we will come back next year [read: semester].’”

“residents say this is the second shooting that happened near that townhome within the last month. The back-to-back gun [sic] violence is concerning to these students who say something must be done.

“‘There’s parties everywhere. It’s a college town. It has to be more controlled,’ Nick Stakov said.

“Tyler Lamos, a former resident of canvas townhomes, who was on site during the shooting, added, ‘They’re doing nothing about it and I don’t really get that.’

“gvsu department of public safety issued a statement this afternoon in part:

“‘this latest incident is added to the increased level of violence, some involving weapons, that we are seeing near our campuses and within cities around the country. no area is immune from crime, and it is my duty as the director of public safety to inform members of our community of these events, so they can exercise caution and good judgment in the hopes of avoiding being involved in acts of violence.

GRA: Which means, they will DO NOTHING about blacks shooting up their cam

pus—you’re on your own. --GRA

N.S.: A “department of public safety” is a boondoggle which combines an overpaid police and an overpaid fire department, and adds a further layer of overpaid bureaucracy. These—at least, the policing jobs—are no-show and show-no jobs, which should all be eliminated, and the money refused to the students and taxpayers.

1 comment:

  1. jerry pdx
    Same here in the progressive paradise of PDX, guess it's the same everywhere, black shootings get blamed ln the police, whites, society, the tooth fairy...everything and everyone except themselves.
