Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Bruce Willis (Last of the White Action Stars) Suffers Possible Stroke—Retires from Acting...was It from Overwork?

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 5:55:00 P.M. EDT

Via cnn:

"Actor Bruce Willis is leaving the Hollywood scene and retiring from acting after being diagnosed with aphasia. After news of his condition broke, fans were concerned Bruce Willis suffered a stroke. His family updated followers of his retirement from acting.

"The news of Willis, who just recently celebrated his 67th birthday on March 19, was given in an update by his family who said his retirement was down to the brain disorder.

"Today, Bruce Willis’ family took to instagram to tell fans that the actor wouldn’t be starring in anymore films due to the condition."

GRA: The guy could carry a movie. I went to many of his flicks.


N.S.: Aphasia often is caused by strokes. And if Willis suffered a stroke, it may have been brought on by overwork. Last year, he co-starred in eight pictures. This year, he made ten! That’s pictures that opened (two), that are “completed” (two), or which are in “post-production” (six). A typical young star will appear in at most two pictures in a given year. Granted, the ones from 2021 sounded like cheapies, but still. The most A-pictures I ever heard of an actor co-starring in, in one year, was seven. That was John Wayne, in his first shirker year, 1942, when he was only 34, over 30 years younger than Willis is.

1 comment:

  1. Then there is the chance he got the clot shot(s). Neurological problems are among those predicted to skyrocket in those who were foolish enough to get the jabs.
