Friday, January 28, 2022

"They aren’t Just Woke. Their Eyelids are Sewn Open.": Higher Ed Crooks Will Continue to Conspire to Undo Any Supreme Court Decision against affirmative action

By An Old Friend
Fri, Jan 28, 2022 3:31 p.m.

"They aren't just woke. Their eyelids are sewn open."

AOF: The bon mot in my subject line is a highlight from the superb article below about the self-imposed affirmative-action plague of the American academy.


  1. Learn to use the 'more' tag on your posts.

  2. As for any 'resistance' (or defiance), there is a lot of money and jobs involved -- from 2018:

    link -- The University of Michigan Has At Least 82 Full-Time Diversity Officers at a Total Annual Payroll Cost of $10.6M. That Would Support Full In-State Tuition for 708 Students.

  3. "with the best of intentions but not the best of outcomes."

    NO! Nicholas is right. Not the "best of intentions". Hidden and sinister agenda at work.
