Friday, January 28, 2022

“I’ve Never Seen as Many Deaths.. It’s around a 500 or 600% Increase” – Funeral Director in UK Reveals Increasing Number of Thrombosis Death in Vaccinated Young Adults (VIDEO)


  1. Is bill gates walking around doing his "Dubya" impression--"Mission Accomplished?"

    When does this story come out--uncensored--on msm?


  2. Although much evidence is coming in that the shots are ineffective and in fact INCREASE the chance of catching Covid by ADE or Pathagenic Priming, plus other damage to the immune system, it is not entirely true that the shots never prevent infection. The clot shots DO prevent some people from catching Covid by KILLING them before they have a chance to get infected. I and others predicted many cases this winter because so many were vaxxed. And it became true--only knew one family infected during the first two years, but now know many many cases--all fully vaxxed of course. And Israel--now on their 4th jabs--shows that the shots don't stop severe infections and deaths. Unless American wise up and stop getting shots, what is happening in Israel will happen here.

  3. The vaxxx is causing heart problems? But ONLY in young people?

  4. Actual definition with actual example of usage...

    (of something inanimate or abstract) successful in producing a desired or intended result; effective.
    "the vaccine has proved both efficacious and safe"
