Sunday, January 30, 2022

NYC public school teacher Calls for Assassinating More Cops, While They Mourn Their Ambush Murdered Colleagues

By N.S.

Note that the post story refers to “the George Floyd police murder,” a hoax crime. Evidently, it is post policy to keep hoax alive, as its staffers always refer to any mention of Floyd’s death of a drug overdose and from resisting arrest while in police custody, as his “murder.”

“Brooklyn Teacher Calls for ‘Reciprocity’ against Cops Gathered to Mourn Slain Detective”


  1. Well,this is one of those stories that I hate:A White idiot going to to the commie-antifa side. I attempt to give everyone the benefit of the doubt about free speech,but here,what he's calling for is certainly incitement to murder--therefore a felony--therefore he loses his job. The problem with Instagram today--as opposed to "No Instagram"--30 years ago,is how widespread one person's intentionally provocative wish list spreads as fast as anything a President or Congressman says.Thirty years ago,Flanigan would have said it to his commie friends in a school lunchroom and that would have been the end of it.Social media is a prime cause of the problems we have as a country today,in regards to certain subject matter.It's way too powerful in the way it amplifies what any one person says and that,in turn usually leads to quick repercussions against that person's livelihood(but will it apply to a commie?)

    I compare the difference of this situation to Roseanne Barr talking about Valerie Jarrett,as "being from the 'Planet of the Apes'"--after which she was fired from her own show.That tweet was an opinion--without a law being broken.No threat was made against Jarrett.Barr's firing was unambiguously a not so subtle attempt at mass behavior modification--designed to dissuade Whites from making similar opinions in the future.In Roseanne's case,her TV ratings should have decided her fate on the show--but that was 1/1.000th of the seriousness of what (Whitey)Flanigan posted--which was similar to yelling "fire" in a theater.

    Now let's see if he suffers any consequences like Whites do when complaining about black behavior(immediate job loss.)

  2. He is advocating mass murder. It cannot be construed otherwise. He must be teaching great stuff to his students.
