Saturday, January 29, 2022

Georgetown University Law School's black supremacist/affirmative action students association demands Incoming Professor's Job Offer be Rescinded after He Tweeted that Fake President Joe Biden's Promise to Pick a black female to Replace Justice Breyer is Racist

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Sent: Sat, Jan 29, 2022 12:26 p.m.

Georgetown University Law School's Black Students Association demands incoming professor's job offer be rescinded after he tweeted that Biden's promise to pick a black female to replace Justice Breyer is racist

Georgetown law black students org wants incoming prof's job rescinded



  1. Lol,the black hit squad--overcoming the right to free speech,Whiteness and the American Way--in order to continue their oppression.

    Who will say no--to stop them?And then again after that?


  2. Toe the line or else! Each dog must know it's master. Enjoy the dog food.

  3. OH, the Black Law Students say so. OH, we must take great heed and obey. Or else. I see this Shapiro has made nice and mea culpa [something is my fault].
