Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Interesting Rumination over "White Fragility" [Brief]

By An Old Friend
Wed, Sep 8, 2021 1:41 a.m.

Interesting Rumination over "White Fragility" [Brief]

Some of you may have endured a civilian "stand down" of your own at work or school in the last year. These mandatory bias training sessions, as you probably know, are based on a trashy fantasy novel called White Fragility. This illiterate manifesto became a must-pretend-to-read after Floydapalooza 2020.

Written by a manic new age Wiccan who gives off major crazy ex-girlfriend vibes, White Fragility makes the case that any time a white person defends him or herself from hoax accusations of racism, that is a sign of fragility; self-defense as proof of weakness and guilt. White people are so fragile! So easily broken! Pale and icy cold, they crumble at the slightest pushback, like the pathetic snowflakes they are!
But then you keep reading, and you discover White Fragility actually makes a pretty strong case that whites are the opposite of fragile. In fact, they are so powerful, so strong, so superior to other lesser beings that the only way anyone else can get a chance is if more whites volunteer to be weaker.
In the face of such totalizing white dominance—or supremacy, if you will—all the weak can do is beg the whites to take a knee, step aside, apologize for and mute their own wondrous superpowers that no one has yet made a dent in, for centuries!
Therefore, after you complete your mandatory 50 hours of CRT anti-whiteness bias training this year, do not feel cowed, defeated, or ashamed—no! Instead, you should luxuriate in the godlike nature of your omnipotence. It's not just okay to be white—it's friggin' awesome. Robin D'Angelo, high priestess of White Fragility, said so, over and over again.

Reminds me of this briefer take that was a reader's comment at some post a while back:

I have been saying for years that taking the progressives at their word: everything wrong with the world is caused by straight, white males indicates that 3% of the world can oppress the other 97% even if the other 97% know it and the best that 97% can do is ask the straight, white males to stop.

If that isn't an argument for white supremacy I don't know what is. 


  1. >These mandatory bias training sessions

    How are they 'mandatory'? -- they are only nominally mandatory -- how many Whites, especially white men, refuse to participate? -- what happens when they do?

    It's a matter of self-respect -- surely some significant fraction of Whites have enough self-respect to refuse to participate -- it would simply be unpractical to the point of impossibility to discipline, let alone fire, all of them.

    I refused such irrelevant (to my job) 'mandatory' training on several jobs; I just stayed in my work area and did not attend -- later HR sent me something to read (as for others who were absent that day) -- I ignored it, and some hours later said I'd read it -- that was the end of it.

  2. 1. Stop apologizing. 2. Say NO! 3. Say go to hell. - - Jabotinksy. Jewish nationalist.

  3. But there are fewer and fewer Whites in positions of power that want to keep things that way.Our superiority is being worn down with each passing generation. The push to mix races has a dilutive effect on White behavior--plus we see that when Whites are around blacks,their lives are "shortened" or their morals are diminished.


  4. When the CIS whitey males all gone civilization will collapse in most places where CIS whitey males have been dominant more or less forever. Those dark skinned persons will just be able or even care to maintain the legacy of the CIS whitey males.

  5. jerry pdx
    Bias "training" has not been mandated at my place of employment...yet! But the wording on the last emails seems to be hinting at it. They did mandate a workplace sexual harassment thing, which I don't object to, but that's still not the same as (race) "bias training", where the assumption is that all Whites are the inherently racist ones. They also sent out an email asking for your vaccination status, I marked "don't want to say at this time". Which means no, of course.
    I feel it's a matter of time before mandates are issued to take the bias training and get vaxxed or my services will no longer be required.

    10 months to retirement, will I get there before the ultimatums? We'll see.
