Wednesday, September 08, 2021

20 black-on-White Homicides, Including Mother Shot in Front of Children: August 2021—Another Month in the Death of White America

By R.C.
Tue, Sep 7, 2021 11:44 p.m.

20 black-on-White Homicides, Including Mother Shot in Front of Children: August 2021—Another Month in the Death of White America

R.C.: blacks are like a really bad STD.

The gift that keeps on giving.

And what’s up with all these mudsharks?


  1. >And what’s up with all these mudsharks?

    Predominantly white trash -- they've always been around, but unceasing media propaganda (including adverts) about how Blacks are just like Whites, as well as the decline of religion and what I will call public mores, has dramatically lessened the stigma of such relationships -- trashy, lower class and/or overweight white women are more susceptible -- and it's a big status/ego boost for a black male, which is one reason they so often react violently when the white woman decides to end things.

    From the Vdare article:

    >It is called 'lying by omission.'

    Social data clearly shows that 1) a white woman who has a child with a black male is nearly certain (95+%) to be a single mother with little no paternal support (including financial), and 2) white women involved with black males are far more likely to be physically abused, even murdered -- but the media never reports this.

  2. YEP. Mudsharks just don't know what they are getting into. The partying, drugs, sex, etc. must be great for a while. But Leon has his ways. A few beatings and him robbing you blind and you too will begin to wonder about it all. But Leon very jealous too. One day beating just not enough for Leon and you know what will happen.

  3. Even in a place like Rhinelander WI. You would think that would be one of the safest places in the USA for a whitey girl but no, even there it is not safe. No where is. The relationship. sure. Bad relationship.

  4. "One a day"--and we hear about none of them on MSM. What is it about blacks that our hypothetically unbiased media will not report the truth--in regard to their behavior?However,they will broadcast lies with fervor--no problem.

    Why is black criminal behavior covered up?Why are they coddled--what's the upside for liberal Whites in reporting news this way?

    I've asked that question many times over the years and whether this is subconscious or conscious decision-making on media's part,the goal is obvious to me now:

    Replace Whites with blacks in positions of power and let the nature of primate behavior take its course.The destruction of this country is being attempted socially--and I believe soon,financially--with an economic meltdown that will trigger a leap into pure socialism.

    To see Whites behind such a movement is both sad and enraging.There MUST be a war to stop it--blacks are not worth saving--and White communists who believe that philosophy--need to have their minds "changed" in whatever methods are deemed necessary.

    This country needs a housecleaning.


  5. jerry pdx
    Taliban paints over George Floyd murals:

    Maybe some of those Afghan migrants might be good for something after all, let's put them to work with spray paint and brushes to cover up all the BLM propaganda polluting our cities.

    I've actually seen Arabs for BLM posters around town, but reality is, Arabs are far more racist toward blacks than Whites have ever been and that racism is still deeply embedded in Arab culture. Then let's talk history, Arabs were the original slavers in Africa, the Trans Saharan slave trade went on for 1300 yrs. it was a trade focused on taking African women for harems (i.e. sex slaves) and African men for labor and other services back to the Middle East. It was standard practice for the Arabs to castrate black males slaves after capture, a barbaric practice that resulted in many male black captives committing suicide:

    The Arab slave business did not (legally) end until around the mid 1800's, only a decade or so before American slavery was outlawed.

    Maybe blacks should be demanding reparations from some of those oil rich Middle Easter countries?

  6. We need a White Taliban party in the US.Pretty hilarious story,Jerry.


  7. Quite often the famblee of the white female killed also. The whitey woman leaves the negro or threatens to leave. The negro becomes a berserk animal, kills the whitey female "companion" and then the famblee of the white female is killed besides. And correct. 95 % of mudsharks having a child with the negro are not married to the "husband".
