Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Senator Marco Rubio Calls on Gen. Mark Milley to Resign

By R.C.
Tue, Sep 14, 2021 9:07 p.m.

Senator Marco Rubio Calls on Gen. Mark Milley to Resign

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has called for the resignation of General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


R.C.: Yeah, but what about trying him for treason first?


  1. That's like Schumer calling on Trump to resign.


  2. He should be tried and executed for treason. He offered to inform China of any American attack plans so that Americans could be killed and defeated. He deserves nothing less than a public execution.

  3. >He should be tried and executed for treason.

    LOL -- nothing will happen to him -- he has plenty of cover via the 4 year, non-stop demonization of Trump as 'literally Hitler' by the entire ruling/political/media class, including being impeached (again!) for his role in the 'insurrection' on Jan 06.

    For a moment, let's discount the effect the non-stop attacks on Trump and his character had on the weak and stupid; let's also assume Milley is not weak and stupid -- what's interesting is how many people (Milley is just the latest) who had personal contact with Trump came away viewing him with suspicion and contempt -- Trump seemed unable to inspire any loyalty at all in people, even people he himself appointed.

    So maybe Ann Coulter is right and Trump is (as a leader) 'deeply flawed'.

    And while I absolutely despise ALL OF THEM at this point, maybe Marco 'Pool Boy' Rubio should remember 'innocent until proven guilty', and instead demand some sort of due process first.

  4. Miley needs to be arrested and investigated for violations of UCMJ.

  5. Talk show host Jesse Kelly was on Tucker Carlson tonight (Thursday). Kelly said that Milly will retire in a year or so with a 5 million dollar book deal, speeches at 50,000 dollars a pop and a great life for himself.

    Kelly also said what I have: The current racist indoctrination is driving the right kind of men (white men though Kelly didn't say that) out. In 10-15 years, Kelly says, the military will be made of of sheep-like weaklings who will do what their Communist masters tell them to do.
