Wednesday, September 15, 2021

For Once in Her Life, Nicki Minaj Does Something of Value, Refusing to Get Vaxxed, Citing Vaxx Side Effects on Cousin’s Friend in Trinidad; Lügenpresse Attacks Her with Auto-Hoax

By Nicholas Stix

The Lügenpresse can go auto-hoax with certain fake stories. They package outright lies with lies of omission and, in a couple of minutes, have a “thing.”

Nicki Minaj was supposed to go to a gala fundraiser at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, but it, like all public affairs and many private businesses in Manhattan, requires that all attendees/customers prove they’ve been vaxxed. Minaj refuses to get vaxxed.

The fake news media ran with headlines like “Nicki Minaj Skips All-Vaccinated Met Gala after Citing ‘Swollen Testicle’ Rumors,” and also lying, saying that she spread “inaccurate information” and “disinformation.”

These are lies because her cousin’s friend, who is a real person, either suffered from “swollen testicles” and “impotence,” following getting vaxxed, or he didn’t. So, the story is either true or a lie. Since the msm didn’t prove it a lie, they lied.

I saw the inside edition mini-hoax; my family saw a different version, but both were identical in their mockery of Minaj.

inside edition packaged its lie about Minaj with a second fake video story, about a youngish woman who claimed that she’d had to get treated for lung problems in a hospital parking garage in the middle of the night, because the hospital was “understaffed” and overflowing with patients.

The second fake story, about the youngish lung patient, was based on present lies of omission, and previous lies of commission. (It might also have been a hoax, to begin with.) The lies of commission were previous media hoaxes in which fake reporters lied, in asserting that hospitals were over-run with unvaxxed Covid patients. (They were actually overrun with vaxxed Covid patients.)

When the unvaxxed Covid patients hoax was debunked, msm bosses did not fire any of the hoax perps, publicly apologize, or even (to my knowledge) issue official corrections, and they are still using the hoax. Thus, the evil media used fake stories like the ie “thing” with the lung patient to perpetuate the hoax, whereby the hospital where she allegedly got treatment in the parking garage was due to unvaxxed Covid patients.

The frauds at ie (alleged patient and alleged reporter) didn’t even offer any information, as to why the hospital was overflowing, if indeed it was. They simply left it to viewers to fill in the gaps with the previous lies.


  1. There really need to be housecleanings at the various Lugenpresses around the country.Get the commie liars out by force.

    THEN the politicians would notice the wrath of the people and hopefully shape up.If you went after politicians first,the media would inflame the event as much as George Floyd--times 1000.

    It's possible a takeover of two or three networks or rag papers like the NYT and WAPO would splash some cold water on their smugness and love of communism and propaganda.

    Twenty thousand Patriots might be able to pull it off in each location.SOMETHING needs to be done. There's at least the HOPE of voting out Biden in 3 years,but the Lugenpresse will never end their criminal enterprise without direct intervention from the people.



    (ZH)Preliminary results of the 2021 gubernatorial recall election are in and AP, ABC, & DecisionDeskHQ (among others ) have called the race for Gavin Newsom (who will likely not be recalled and will remain governor of California).

    Around 67.1 percent of people voted “no” in the election, according to the California Secretary of State’s Office, while 32.9 percent voted “yes.”

    GRA:I heard him talking afterwards and he sounded like a foaming,power crazed madman,with promises to continue all the liberal crap,but now he's got REAL power.Watch out Mexifornia,this guy may become something similar to a dictator.
