Wednesday, September 15, 2021

FBI Fires Lead Agent in Whitmer "Kidnapping" Case

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Tue, Sep 14, 2021 5:39 p.m.

FBI Fires Lead Agent in Whitmer Kidnapping Case

PGCE-P: Yeah, and what about Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City, the Capitol, Nashville last Christmas, and….


  1. TBH I'm far more interested in what will happen to the alleged 'plotters'.

    Bbut info like this needs to be pounded into the heads of 'back the blue' conservatards as well as ordinary Americans in order to hopefully open their eyes to what a politically corrupt agency the FBI now is, and the kind of scum who work there -- in case they didn't get that message via the revelations that came out of 'Russiagate'.

  2. Don't just fire him. Arrest him. He conspired with others to violate the law.

  3. Nothing to do with Whitmer--the guy assaulted his wife and got caught going to orgies.From what I've read over the years,MANY FBI agents frequent orgies,so it must be the assault the higher ups didn't like.

