Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Derek Chauvin, 3 Other Cops Plead Not Guilty in Federal Show Trial over Violating George Floyd’s Civil Rights

By R.C.
Tue, Sep 14, 2021 7:47 p.m.

Derek Chauvin, 3 Other Ex-Cops Plead Not Guilty in Federal Case over Violating George Floyd’s Civil Rights — RT USA News


  1. Civil rights? Are they speaking about the colored man in Minneapolis who gave himself and overdose of illegal drugs? Double jeopardy for Chauvin? That idea done away with long time ago to assuage the negro agitator.

  2. OT

    I found this site

    The Undefeated

    when looking for info on the Michael Drejka case:

    Michael Drejka, ‘Teen Mom’ and the cost of white fear -- Recent incidents show whites brandishing and firing weapons without consequences

    The spin is not surprising, more mainstream really.

    But I'm always interested in who is behind such an internet presence; I scrolled all the way to the bottom and saw this: © 2021 ESPN Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. "Evans and Drejka both instigated confrontations with their victims. For those crimes, neither was arrested or charged with a crime. In the eyes of the law, fear gives white people the right to threaten death and to carry it out. In the eyes of the law, that’s their privilege."

    --from the nig writer in 2018.

    GRA:First of all,Dreijka did not instigate--McGlocklin did by parking in the handicap spot.Subsequently,the SJWs got Dreijka--not only arrested--but convicted with a 20 year sentence for defending himself.The nig writer is worthless in many areas of thinking.


  4. >Double jeopardy for Chauvin?

    No, these are separate federal 'civil rights' charges -- the feds do this all the time -- as if the fact he was already sentenced to 40+ years on MN state criminal charges is not enough -- one might get the idea these federal charges are done purely out of spite and to intimidate others.

    Current head of the DOJ Civil Rights division is Kristen Clark, a black woman.

    I note (and so should you) this on her Wikipedia page (link): Clarke successfully represented Taylor Dumpson, the first Black American woman student body president of American University, in her landmark case against white supremacists.[2]

    A footnote [2] points to this story:

    An American University -- Bananas in nooses. Racist attacks on social media. Cotton affixed to Confederate flag flyers. Black students at American University speak about experiencing hate

    Personally, the story reads like one huge hoax from beginning to end -- that and a catalog of 'microagressions':

    Years later, Dumpson experienced a rash of racist incidents in college. It began in November 2014, when a grand jury chose not to indict Darren Wilson, a police officer, for taking the life of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. ... As black students protested in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, racial tension on campus thickened. Some students began posting hateful comments to Yik Yak, a popular app among college students at the time that allowed users to post anonymous messages that reached other Yik Yak users within a five mile radius. ... While protesting the Brown case, Dumpson recalls reading racially insensitive Yik Yak messages like “students are trying to study here—go yell somewhere else.”

    Got that? -- saying “students are trying to study here -- go yell somewhere else" is a 'racist message' -- just like that Asian guy yelling 'This is liberry' I guess.

    Nothing but infantile bullshit -- and this is footnoted in Wikipedia as a big civil rights case of Kristen Clarke -- yet her name isn't even mentioned in the article -- ??

    Will the last adult to leave America please turn off the lights.
