Monday, September 06, 2021

Extra, Extra! Read about Rolling Stone’s Newest Journohoax! The Rag that Gave You the Duke and UVA Rape Hoaxes, Now Gives You the Ivermectin Hoax!

By R.C.

Sun, Sep 5, 2021 8:50 p.m.

“Viral Rolling Stone Story about Ivermectin Patients “Overwhelming Hospitals” was “Made Up”

R.C.: Isn’t this the same rag behind the Duke University lacrosse players and the alleged gang rape at UVA?

N.S.: Remember spring, 2020, when “experts” declared they would never recommend hydroxychloroquine to anyone for the Wuhan China Virus, simply because the President had recommended it?


  1. More "Trolling Stone" than Rolling.


  2. Although I'm sure many condemned hydroxychloroquine simply because Trump endorsed it--apparently after Dr. Zelenko informed him of his success saving lives with the drug--I heard a doctor say that actually France changed the drug from over-the-counter to hard-to-get prescription days BEFORE Trump recommended it. This indicates that the real reason to limit access to HCQ was because the fake vaccine could not be given emergency authorization if there were any existing method of treating the Fauci-Wuhan Virus. That over 600,000 Americans were condemned to death by denying them drugs that would save most of them is an indication of the total corruption of the medical establishment and the domination of our country by pharmaceutical corporations. Will Fauci and the drug company executives ever be brought to justice? Sure, when pigs fly and the Clintons are incarcerated. As the evidence that ivermectin (and other drugs) works is overwhelming, the fact that doctors and hospital administrators, etc. still deny it to patients is an indication that most medical people are either total cowards and/or in it for the bucks and don't care if people die. Move over lawyers, doctors are the new lowest class of humans.
