Monday, September 06, 2021

Anne Frank Has been Posthumously Forced into an Arranged, Political Marriage with the Equally Dead Emmett Till!

[“The Story of Emmett Till: Facts vs. Racist Fairy Tales.”]

By Nicholas Stix

An anonymous Steve Sailer reader posted the following passage from the pretend encyclopedia, aka wikipedia.

Anne and Emmett is a play by the American Janet Langhart Cohen. It explores an imaginary conversation between Emmett Till, an African-American, and Anne Frank, a German-Dutch Jew, which takes place in Memory, a non-specific afterlife or alternative dimension. They were killed as young teenagers because of racial persecution. The play recounts the lives of Till and Frank, comparing and contrasting the events in their lives and deaths.[1]”

“The show features recorded narration by Morgan Freeman, and a score by Joshua Coyne.[2]

“…The New York City Police Department has had the play produced for audiences of its police officers, using it to teach tolerance.[5]

There is a certain perverse symmetry at work here. Anne Frank and Emmett Till are people—one banal, one vicious—who have been turned into historical figures for purely propagandistic purposes.

I’ve never been able to read more than a few pages at a time of Frank’s “Diary,” which was doctored by her father, Otto, after the Nazis murdered her. And it took me three days to make it through the picture, watching about an hour at a time.

Anne Frank never wrote the pull quote that ends her Diary, and which is said twice in the movie—“I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are really good at heart.”

Has anyone here ever tried watching the picture? It was written by the husband-and-wife team of Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, based on their play, which was based on some version of the “Diary.” Not only does it run interminably—two hours and fifty minutes—but the dialogue is second-rate. It is virtually bereft of wit or insight.

There is something perversely fitting and proper to the forced, ideological marriage between Anne Frank and Emmett Till. It is as sick as the political alliance between powerful, Jewish and black political hacks. Most blacks are such genocidal anti-Semites that Jews might as well have embraced Nazis, as have embraced blacks.

Almost 30 years ago, some Jews pulled off a history hoax, in which they floated a fiction embodied in a fake documentary, called The Liberators, whereby black G.I.s rescued the Jews from the Nazi death camps.

Since some of the few surviving black G.I.s had grown up under Jim Crow, they had some integrity, and themselves denounced the hoax. They were afraid, logically, that if people learned that The Liberators was a hoax, that they would also assume that the black veterans’ other heroic deeds were likewise fake.

The entry for The Liberators at the pretend encyclopedia has been revised such as to be unrecognizable to anyone who lived through the exposing of the hoax.

Now that virtually all blacks are racist sociopaths, and the few honest ones have been marginalized as “conservatives,” there’s no limit to what can be accomplished. Why, an enterprising brother could conjure up and “find” a Diary of Emmett Till! nation of islam propagandist Spite Lee could then film it, and be gifted with 20 Oscars.


  1. Diary of Emmett Till:

    August 24,1955: Gots to grab me some White butt.

    August 28,1955:Oh oh--fu**ed up.


  2. Back in high school,we had to watch "The Anne Frank Story".I don't recall anything about the movie--I'm sure I was goofing off while it was being played.It would seem the movie wouldn't have had audio,I can't remember that either.There was another movie I remember seeing in school--"black Like Me",with James Whitmore.

    Looking back,I see the agenda being pushed on kids,but more than likely,kids didn't pay attention to whatever the school was attempting to indoctrinate us with.


  3. I guess consensus opinion is now that the father wrote portions of the diary. The idea is that even if she did write some portions that is what she would have said IF she had written it.

  4. jerry pdx
    Historical revisionists have no shame, this kind of crap will be seen by many low IQ 13% members who will actually think it happened.

  5. " low IQ 13% members who will actually think it happened."

    The Underground Railroad actually was underground.
