Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Same Old, Same Old: 71-Year-Old White Man Beaten Nearly to Death by black savage

By Merlin
Wed, Jul 21, 2021 9:59 a.m.

Same Old, Same Old: 71-Year-Old White Man Beaten Nearly to Death by black savage

Merlin: This violent crap never ends; every day, in many places across the nation.........and we blithely ignore it, as though it isn't happening.


N.S.: Eventually, this is why I realized that Jim Crow had been necessary.

And what does the news & observer editor do?--assign the story to a black "reporter."

71-year-old in intensive care after being attacked while working at NC jail, cops say

Simone Jasper, The News & Observer (Raleigh, N.C.)  23 hrs ago
Jul. 20—A 71-year-old jail worker went into intensive care after he was attacked on the job in North Carolina, officials said.
Sheldon Kaminsky, a Guilford County detention officer, was stationed at a desk inside the Greensboro jail when a 21-year-old inmate started talking to him last week.
The man then "moved to the area behind the desk and struck Officer Kaminsky with his fists, knocking him unconscious, and causing him to fall to the floor," the Guilford County Sheriff's Office said Monday in a news release.
Officials didn't list attorney information for the accused attacker — identified as Elijah J. Evans.
Kaminsky was taken to a hospital, where officials said he was still in the ICU as of Monday. His wife, Candy Kaminsky, told WFMY the attack left him on a ventilator with a traumatic brain injury and facial fractures.
"We are here from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day during visiting hours, just sitting with him," the detention officer's wife said, according to the TV station. "I've got kids that are really upset, my granddaughter that's really upset and the whole family is."
Sheldon Kaminsky has been in law enforcement for about 30 years, previously serving departments in California and New Jersey, WFMY reported. The Guilford County Sheriff's Office said he and other employees put their safety on the line to serve others.
"He is a very valuable asset to the Sheriff's Office and we are praying for his full recovery," the department said in a news release.
"Our criminal justice system could not exist without Detention Officers who are tasked with the important duties of humanely providing the direct supervision and daily care needs of the inmates in their custody. Unfortunately, and as this incident makes clear, those duties can come with significant risks."
Evans, who has been at the Guilford County jail since June 2, was first taken into custody on charges of "felony common law robbery, felony assault inflicting serious bodily injury, misdemeanor assault on a government employee, misdemeanor resisting a public officer, misdemeanor possession of stolen property, and misdemeanor injury to personal property," officials said.
He is facing facing additional charges in connection with the attack, including "assault on an on-duty Detention Officer inflicting serious injury... and felony assault with a deadly weapon with intent to inflict serious injury," according to officials.
"Under State law, hands and fists can be deemed a deadly weapon when there is a significant difference in the physical stature between the two parties," the Guilford County Sheriff's Office said.
Evans' next court date is scheduled for Thursday, records show.


  1. Probably all the rag hires is black reporters--just as all commercials have blacks hired as the main actor.I saw one yesterday where two blacks were being shown a new home to buy(lol),with the White real estate agent on-screen for less than the blink of an eye.
    Talk about token White.


  2. A 71 year old man should not be working in corrections under any circumstances. The negro characteristic signature, attacking the aged whitey man as would a predator animal in Africa, that predator seeking the prey least likely to offer resistance.
