Wednesday, July 21, 2021

24-Year-Old “Oklahoma” Man Walks into Hospital with 12-Year-Old Girl He Impregnated...and Doesn’t Understand “What the Fuss was about”

[Re: “Dem Senator Dick Durbin Acknowledges the Great Replacement; Does that Make Him a Racist? And Does that Mean that White Nationalists are the Good Guys?”]

By Jerry PDX
Wednesday, July 21, 2021 at 11:48:00 A.M. EDT

Check out this bit of BS from some spokesperson or the other (article not clear where it comes from):

“‘We know there are many people in the community who are shocked by this, grossed out by this, disturbed by this, have questions, a whole range of emotions,’ he said. ‘But in time, we will be able to give the community the answers they want. We just don’t have all the answers right now to give them, and we don’t want to compromise the investigation that’s still happening and really just now getting started."

A lot of questions? We already know the answers, it’s an alien invader from a culture that believes that it’s Ok to have sex with children.