Saturday, July 24, 2021

NYC Parks: Evil hispanic Charged with Attacking Three Women in One Hour

By "W"
Sat, Jul 24, 2021 11:28 a.m.

NYC Parks: Evil latino Charged with Attacking Three Women in One Hour

"W": Contrary to some, I don't welcome latinos in preference to congoids. I don't want any of them living near me...or taking up space in my country.


  1. The difference between blacks and Mex living next to you(and I've had the displeasure of both)is blacks seem to be unable to adapt to living in a manner consistent with White customs and laws--Mex just don't want to.Add drug and booze parties,prostitution,domestic abuse and no--you don't want either one in your block.

    As I've mentioned,I had Mex evicted once and blacks twice--now with 2 pretty decent White families on either side.It took a lot of work though.


  2. My New most Disliked Commercial(and possible repercussions).

    I had the TV tuned to the Olympics today--waiting for local news--and Toyota has created a dangerous one about a black mid teen male,with a huge Afro,who is seen on Zoom(or whatever)asking a brace toothed White girl to go to the prom.

    "Yes,I'd love to go with you," she gushes.
    blackie then falls back in bed so happy.

    So Toyota is pushing the interracial hookup with extreme effort (and no caution).The commercial didn't even mention a car!

    If young White girls are watching and being influenced from constant exposure to this--which a percentage WILL be--here's what ramifications we can look forward to,in the future,from Toyota's efforts of race mixing.

    A 15 year old female was found gangraped and murdered following her school prom last night.Police are searching for 5 youths who may be responsible--including her date,a Jacquarious Jackson--who picked her up from her home late yesterday afternoon.Her parents,in an interview with The NYC Post today,said their daughter was influenced by a Toyota commercial promoting blacks and Whites dating--and that she decided,she wanted to try it.

    "They played that ad over and over while we--as a family watched the Tokyo Olympics.Our daughter was very sweet and innocent and we didn't want to dampen her enthusiasm about life,so we allowed her to go with Jacquarious Jackson.Now she's dead."

    This is at least the 6th similar crime committed around the United States,since the ad began playing on July 24th.

    Toyota had no immediate comment except to say they "will continue to push for racial equality in all areas--which includes dating and socializing."(But not receiving a car loan,if you're a porch monkey).

