Saturday, July 24, 2021

Boom! Founder of mRNA Vaccine: CDC is Under-Reporting and Editing Adverse Affects of COVID Vaccines -- Govt. Suppressing Information!

By R.C.
Sat, Jul 24, 2021 12:16 p.m.

Boom! Founder of mRNA Vaccine: CDC is Under-Reporting and Editing Adverse Affects of COVID Vaccines -- Govt. Suppressing Information!

R.C.: Would your government lie to you?

Say, about those missing weapons of mass destruction….


  1. I see CNN is pushing for unvaxxed to be isolated from vaxxed.Now what difference does it make to separate the two groups?Their medical "experts" are saying unvaxxed citizens are a danger to the vaxxed,but if you were jabbed,you're not immune--you can still get infected(though supposedly lesser symptoms)and can pass your Covid to someone that isn't vaccinated.

    Plus,there's a school of thought,that any new variations of Covid are mutating BECAUSE of the vaccine.

    No one knows or no one tells the truth--about any of this.


  2. Tell that "lesser symptoms" propaganda to those who died From the jab (48,000 according to a whistle blower. Or more??) or IN SPITE OF the jab. In Israel the percentage of "fully vaccinated" who caught Covid is pretty close to the percentage in their age group who got the jab. If it were effective, wouldn't you expect a smaller percentage in the jabbed group to get sick? And for those who say the statistic showing the jabbed MORE apt to get sick and MORE apt to Die in Britain is not valid because more older people got the jab and older people are more vulnerable, consider the case of the British Navy ship. I haven't seen any reports or videos of British sailors stumbling around ships using walkers or reports that press gangs were invading nursing homes to seize grandpa to serve in the navy. So we can assume that British sailors are young and healthy--then why have 100 "fully vaccinated" sailors on the same ship become infected? Doesn't sound like "breakthrough" cases are rare at all--certainly not rare among the Texas "Fleebaggers" or their White House contacts--but they will no longer report new cases. Wonder why? And it doesn't sound like the claims that in the US 99% of those infected are unvaccinated are the truth--Israel used Pfizer "vaccines"--why should their results be so different? Finally, in spite of the fear mongers and vaxcinazis, in reality the Delta strain is LESS deadly than the original Wuhan Virus. For those anxious to rush out and get the jab "just to be safe", bear in mind all the doctors and experts who think the long term effects will be deadly. A Canadian doctor found that 62% of jabbed patients had micro blood clots. He thinks the majority will die of heart failure in 3 years. To paraphrase Dirty Harry, go ahead and get the jab. Do you feel lucky? Well do you punk?

  3. "Face the(Commie)Nation"pushes the "Un-Vaxxed are Stupid" Theme;Chooses Covid Stats That Exaggerate Latest Wave.

    GRA:Dickerson still around.Obviously the show has teamed up with the Biden administration to push vaccines(and possibly force them on us in one way or another).Today's plan:use distorted stats on Covid to scare everyone into rushing out for a jab.

    "700 percent increase in Covid cases,"horrible reporter Marc Strassman stressed."Huge percentage gains across low vaccinated areas."

    Fact check.I've kept track of Michigan's cases--which have dropped to such a low amount,the state decided to only report them Tuesdays and Fridays(the low number is NOT as a result of the vaccine,by the way)--and a week ago,only TWENTY CASES were seen in the entire state!A week later,300 cases were reported--a 1400% increase--"holy sh*t!" says CBS.But CBS doesn't tell you the base number they're starting from--a disingenuous tactic the commie networks love to use.

    Quinton Lucas is the black mayor of Kansas City--he was on to blame the pandemic for the huge increase in violent crime(laugh track inserted here).Kansas City is 60% White and 23% black.What a disgrace to see a black voted in and running a city of a majority White population.

    The secretary of commerce,Gina Raimondo made an appearance to blame the "fourth wave" on unvaxxed individuals.

    "You MUST get vaxxed--they're effective--with not many side-effects."

    Raimondo--sounds Mex to me.

    Scott Gottlieb couldn't clarify if vaxxed people were spreading the virus as much as unvaxxed,leaving the possibility open that they were.
    "We don't know enough about it,"he babbled.

    That's another week of propaganda on "Face the(Commie)Nation".

    My bottom line on getting vaxxed is--why should I--with very few cases in the entire state.If Grand Rapids were to see thousands of cases,I might decide to,but we don't--and I won't.



    GRA:This report says the countries are all rebelling against Covid IDs.CBS's,"Face the (Commie)Nation" reported on the huge demonstrations,but explained,"Yes,there were protests,but the majority of the country has already accepted the new rules."

    So there.Believe CBS--or not.

