Tuesday, July 20, 2021

nation of islam Candidate Eric Adams Certified as Victor in NYC Democratic Mayoral Primary

From: New York Post <email@nypost.com>
To: add1dda@aol.com
Sent: Tue, Jul 20, 2021 7:07 p.m.

Adams Certified as Victor in NYC Democratic Mayoral Primary

new york post - News Alerts

It's finally official: The city Board of Elections on Tuesday certified Eric Adams the winner of the Democratic primary for mayor in a squeaker over Kathryn Garcia in the city's first citywide ranked-choice voting election.

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JULY 20, 2021

It's official: Adams certified as victor in NYC Democratic mayoral primary

It's finally official: The city Board of Elections on Tuesday certified Eric Adams the winner of the Democratic primary for mayor in a squeaker over Kathryn Garcia in the city's first citywide ranked-choice voting election.

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  1. Sliwa is Polish and Eye-talian.Ehhh,still better than a nig.

    My formal endorsement,lol.


  2. Certified has a certain negative connotation is some quarters.

  3. Most negroes are "certified" in the bad sense of the word.
