Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Breaking News Alert: de Blasio to Mandate COVID Vaccinations for Public Hospitals Staff

Breaking News: de Blasio to Mandate COVID Vaccinations for Public Hospitals Staff  

Mayor Bill de Blasio will mandate that employees of the city’s public hospital and health clinic systems be vaccinated for the coronavirus — or submit to weekly testing for COVID-19, The Post has learned.


1 comment:

  1. Considering the high number of double vaxxed people coming down with the Wuhan Virus, not testing the vaxxed makes no sense at all. Look at the Fleebaggers from Texas--6 infected now plus two White House staffers--all double vaxxed. One begins to wonder if the "fully vaccinated" aren't MORE apt to get infected. That would explain the surges in cases in almost every country where mass vaccination started.
