Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Mr. Me-too, Harvey Weinstein, is Now being Prosecuted, Yet Again, in California for “Sexual Assault”; but is It All Just a Feminist Hoax and Shake-Down?

By Nicholas Stix

I have a longtime neighbor and good acquaintance, a Puerto Rican guy who’s a super. Last year, he mused on the Weinstein Saga, “How come it’s always a rich guy? How come it’s never a super?”

Disgraced Movie Mogul Harvey Weinstein Enters Plea in LA Sex Assault Case  

Harvey Weinstein pleaded not guilty to a slew of sex crime charges Wednesday during his first appearance in a California courtroom for a new round of allegations.


  1. Cosby said,"there's a cell that just opened up--thanks to my great lawyers."


  2. The worst part for Harvey is that he was humiliated by the shiksa who testified against him and said he did not have the private parts of a normal man.

  3. I've felt from the start the Weinstein/ME TOO trope wouldn't have happened if Hillary Clinton had won the 2016 Presidential election. The endgame was that it would help bring down Trump.

    When had Democrats ever concerned themselves with sexually predatory males? Even more when the targets were pretty much willing.
